Red Rocket Prep and The Locket

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"To my love...Forever and always I am with you. Wherever you go."


Ceslay Reeds

The next morning was spent getting ready for the hike to Sunshine Tidings Co-Op which was a farming community before the Great War began. I woke up without an issue but getting out of bed was hard. Dogmeat was laying next to me and had me pinned against the wall while he watched the door for anyone coming in. To get him to move, I shifted onto my side and sat up behind him. Joints popped and it hurt but I ignored the pain. The pupper didn't like it very much and whined at me, his face turning in my direction.

"We gotta get up boy. We have a long walk today, remember?" Using my hand, I scratched him behind the ears and his foot starting thumping like a rabbit. It made me giggle a little. He is always a goofy dog.

Seemingly satisfied, Dogmeat hopped down from the bed so I could stand up finally. Taking it slowly was a must due to the fact that I felt nauseous. Eating something light was probably a better idea.

I don't feel well today but it's alright.. I thought to myself quietly as we made our way out of the room and down the hall. The floor boards creaked under my weight which alerted Heidi of my presence. She was standing at the bar, cleaning some glasses out. She looked up from what she was doing and smiled in my direction.

"Good morning there." Her eyes flickered with the light and then I heard it. Rain hit the ceiling of the inn and it sounded like it was pouring outside.

"Good morning.." Sliding my butt onto a bar stool, I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand. "Guessing it's raining outside?"

"Mhm." Heidi nodded and glanced toward the door as people came inside. The door swung open a little harshly and she narrowed her eyes. "Oi! Be careful there, I just got those hinges fixed last week."

"Sorry..." It was Aiden. Glancing over my shoulder, he had pulled his hood down and I noticed the ball cap returned. It made me smile slightly. He looked old world with it on. He noticed me staring and waved slightly before sliding onto the bar stool next to me.

"Where's the rest of your party? I only see three of you." Heidi was questioning him a little bit, I didn't know why exactly but I decided to stay quiet. She slid me a glass of water which I took gratefully and took slow sips of out of it.

"Redfield, Frank and Jeremy are talking to Preston right now. We were able to bring back some meat this morning." He sighed softly. "There was a pack of Radstags out by Blake's farm."

"I see, so we're eating good then. How many did you bring back?" She smiled at him and slapped the bill of his hat which made him smack her hand away playfully.

"Four bucks, one doe." He glanced at me before continuing which made me clear my throat. "We gave Blake one of the big bucks for him and the family. They've been struggling this year with the raider's constantly causing a problem."

"That was nice of you." I said softly, setting the glass down. My stomach settled a little bit which helped. Dogmeat approached from behind me to greet Aiden as he reached down to pet the pup.

"Heya boy."

"So, you boys going back out?" Heidi asked.

Aiden shook his head. "Maybe not. The rain is getting worse. It was hard not to slip through the muddy paths."

"That's going to suck for me then." I sighed heavily. "I'll be stopping by Red Rocket to retrieve my suit."

Aiden raised his brow in surprise. "You are the one with the T-45 power armor frame? I wondered whose that was when Preston showed me the old truck stop."

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