Training, Close talks

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Morning came quickly over Boston as the ball of fire peaked its gaze over the eastern horizon. The night before was cold and rainy but the sun brought about warmer temperatures and some humidity. Paladin Danse was still in medbay, Knight Rhys had to return to Cambridge and I was stuck under someone elses command until my CO was back on his feet again. They assigned me to Knight Lucia, a trainer under Knight-Sergeant Gavil in the logistics division.

Being an early riser already, I was doing warm-ups when Lucia finally joined me on the course. Her eyes seemed to widen in surprise when she saw me stretching and checking my weapons. Knowing the way of things and practicing them were different in this, for which she reminded me.

"Up early I see." She chuckled tossing something my way. My hand caught it reflexively and it was a nutrigrain bar. The wrapper crinkled in my hand as she continued to speak. "Today will be combat, and laps around the course. I'll start you off easy."

"Is that a testament to me being out of shape?" It was a mere jest and she laughed at it.

Good, she has a sense of humor. Makes this easier.

"You are an Initiate still, so partially. However, I will push you until you either bleed or collapse." With that she beckoned me to follow her as we headed to the mat. There wasn't anyone else around this early in the morning, so the yard was ours until the other soldiers came to. Scanning the area, the sunlight brought a warm red color to the sky, that meant rain later on.

Knight Lucia stopped, facing me on the mat. Her eyes focused and she took a defensive stance. The determination in her gaze told me I was about to get my ass kicked a lot until I could counter and defend myself. This was fine...It just meant that the more I learned, the more I would rise.

"You ready, initiate?" She asked smiling at me. She bounced on her feet, ready to brawl.

"Ready." Nodding in return, it was mere seconds before she charged at me. Timing it in rythmn to her steps, like Danse taught me, my body moved to the side as she whirled past. She spun around grabbing me, countering the side step and threw me over her shoulder into the ground. I landed with a Oomph!

"Nice side step, but you have to counter a counter." She chuckled. It was first. Scrambling to my feet now, we faced each other and this time I charged. Jumping up, I brought my fist down and she blocked jabbing her hand into my ribcage. Pain rattled me, and my eyes flashed. Bringing my knee up, I bent her over hitting her hard in the stomach. Air rushed out of her lungs as she heaved.

When Knight Lucia smiled, that meant run. Breaking contact, I quickly moved away from her as she charged forward with the full force of a raging bull. Her ferocity was without equal and I learned quickly to block blows and counter her kicks. Soliders within the Brotherhood of Steel were tenacious, viscious even. Lucia had a grudge against losing because she didn't make it easy. With a flurry of kicks, she spun and tripped me. My back landed hard on the ground and she pinned me there. My body flinched when she went to hit me but she pulled back last second to make a point.

"Self-control is a must, Initiate. You did good for your first lesson, but you still have a long way to go before you can be a Knight." With that she got off me and offered a hand. Taking it gratefully, she pulled me to my feet. My hands dusted off my uniform and I could taste blood when my tongue ran across my bottom lip. It was busted from when she elbowed me in the face and I knew there would be bruises underneath.

"Affirmative, Knight." Nodding in respect to her, she smiled and motioned to the course.

"Let's go." She started jogging and my feet moved as I kept up with her. She took me through the course and introduced me to the obstacles. They were a play on the ruins of Boston and the unpredictable landscape you could run into when it came to any situation. We leapt over several cars, walls and even climbed one to the second floor of a fallen building. It was exhilarating, exhausting and my adrenaline was going so hard that my heart felt like it could pound out of my chest.

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