Chapter 1

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My name is Jessica. I am 17 years old and the oldest of my 3 sisters. My father is alpha of the Cold Ridge pack in Montana. We are on a family vacation in a human resort, renting a houseboat of all things with the Beta's family it was a lot of fun playing on the beach, swimming, and sunning ourselves for a week. We are back at the dock, taking our belongings off the houseboat. I was just turning a corner and miss stepped on my way down, hit my head, and everything went black, then splash.

Jacks point of view. I was walking down the dock to check in the houseboat that just came back when I saw a girl fall hit her head and go straight into the lake. O My God, I ran may maybe 20-foot, dove straight in the water, swam down, grabbed the girl who was very heavy for her small frame and swam up as I reached the dock a very big man grabbed both of us and pulled us onto the dock. I didn't waste a min. I put the girl on her back and started CPR. Maybe the longest min of my life, she coughed up water and started to breathe on her own. I was bending over her, checking her head, and she opened her eyes and looked right at me, said, "Mate," and bit me right where my shoulder meets my neck.

The next thing I hear is yelling and screaming as who I would guess are her parents scooping her up and looking at me, shocked, blood running down my shoulder from being bit like what the hell who just bites a person like that! At that moment, my vision started to go blurry, and I passed out.

Jessica's point of view, my mom is holding me. I am looking down at who my mate is, and my mom is crying. I am OK mom he saved me he is my mate. My mom said you marked him, what were you thinking? and he will change soon, we have to get him out of here. My dad's look on his face is furry and anger. I hope it's not going to boil over on my mate, who I know nothing about, but his name on his tag says Jack.

As I open my eyes, there is a group of people looking at my wide-eyed, my head is in the lap of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and she smelled of the sea and Carmel I have never smelled anything so wonderful, or seen any one so beautiful. I reached my hand up and cupped her cheek. Sparks were flying between the two of us. The first thing I said was like a dumb ass "you smell really good." At that, i got a giggle from her, a sweet, heart melting giggle. I asked how she felt are you, OK? I was worried about you. You hit your head pretty hard.

They looked at me in amazement because I was just out cold and was way more worried about her than myself.

What happened? I was just doing CPR. You opened your eyes, said mate, and bit me.  Why did you bite me?

Jessica's point of view, Jack's eyes open all I can smell is earthy pine and mint it is just delicious smelling. He brought his hand up to my face and cupped my cheek. Sparks flew it felt so good, and then he spoke, my heart melted with just hearing him speak I was in Love at first sight nothing could tear me away from him now we are bonded heart and soul my other half.

Well, my mother said that's going to take some explaining and I need you to come with us. I will explain everything to you. We are going to spend a night in a local hotel and leave for home in the morning. My daughter has claimed you as her mate and next Alpha of our pack.

Alpha, I ask, questioning?

Yes, you are my daughters mate. When she marked you, she changed you to be the next alpha wolf of our pack. The next leader, you being human, is going to be a hard transition. You will have to rely on Jessica to help you through the transition, turning you into a werewolf tonight.

Excuse me, a werewolf? Yes, Jessica says you will get your wolf tonight, and we can run together. That's a lot to take in at one time. Will I have to move with you? Yes, Jessica says again you and I are mates destined to spend the rest of our lives together, and now I have met you. I could never live without you.

I put my hands on both her cheeks, pulled her face to mine, kissed her, and put my head to hers, I don't know what any of that means but I trust you I feel it deep inside me, we belong together.

I close my eyes for a little bit. I must have fallen asleep. I wake to Jessica, rubbing my chest, wake up, baby. we need to get going. How long have I been asleep? Only about 20 minutes. I am so tired my body is just worn out. You're starting your change. I can't wait to see your wolf.

I leave work early and tell my boss I am not feeling well. Jessica and her family take me with them to the hotel it's outside of town, near a national forest. I am looking forward to getting to know Jessica. As we sit together, she starts asking questions about me? Where are you from? Colorado, I tell her. Are you in a relationship right now? No, I am single. That's one of the reasons I am working here. I just got out of a long-lasting relationship that ended poorly. Do you have family sisters brothers mom dad? I have a sister she is 3 years younger than me. My parents died when I was just out of high school. My sister was 15 at the time. I took the money my parents gave me and raised my sister the best I could she was all I had left for family. Of coarse I had aunts and unkles but I wanted her to stay with her friends and me. I kept her safe and out of trouble till she graduated. I was so proud of her she is college right now. I try to call her weekly. This is just a temporary job. I am 22 and didn't know what I wanted to do with my life till I met you.

She looked at me with so much love in her eyes and kissed me. I thought we would melt into each other's arms, the sparks the tingles, it was incredible. She looked at me and said, "You will get your wolf tonight he will be big." I feel it a Alpha wolf probably bigger than my dad's. We will go back to the pack, and you will train with my dad and the Beta how to fight and run a pack in a year. When I turn 18, we will take over the pack.

I am a little anxious and hesitant she can see it in my eyes. She holds my hands and looks into my eyes without hesitation she says I feel your soul. You were made to be my mate. And to be a great leader.

All of a sudden, I hear a voice, and my head hurts a little. Jessica asks what is wrong? I hear a voice in my head it's just a whisper, but it's there. It's your wolf, but it's way to early. Let me get my mom and ask.

Jessica's mom Miranda came in and asked me some questions. How long have you heard the voice about 15 minutes now it's just a whisper, but it's there.
Tell me about your family history. How long has your family been in the US? My fathers family is from Ireland. we were Royalty as I have been told, but I can't confirm that. That could be it. Many royal families had werewolves in their family trees.

So I may have werewolves in my past, and that's bringing my wolf out early. All she says is yes, and that is a very good thing for you and us. The moon goddess has blessed my daughter with you, and we couldn't be happier.

Jessica said if he says his name tell us right away, some names have more meanings than others, and some wolves are reincarnated into a new human.

He said his name is Lucifer, and he is one of the first ones. He is tired and said the transition to me took a lot out of him.

At that, Miranda ran out of the room and brought back Alpha Max Jessica's dad. Tell dad the name of your wolf. He said his name was Lucifer, and he was one of the first ones. Max said my Goddess he is the first one, the oldest of all wolves, if he has been reincarnated to you then something is coming and the Moon Goddess needs you and him for all of us wolves.

It is still early. Can someone go with me to pack my apartment? I don't have that much stuff, but I would like to bring it with me. Alpha Max said yes, my Beta Josh, and I will go with you. I have my truck at work. I would like to get it as well . Yes, let's get your truck packed your place up and get back here before the moon comes up. We packed everything up pretty quickly. Had a good talk with Max and Josh they are really nice to me. I asked a lot of questions about werewolves and their hiarcy. I found my mate is Josh's niece. Josh has a son who is visiting a nearby pack while they were on vacation.

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