Chapter 3

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Jessica and I were sitting on the couch in our room, and Lucifer was saying weird stuff like she is here. There are two. I was telling Jessica what is going on in my head with Lucifer, and she says that their is something I need to tell you actually let me link my parents, and we will tell you together.

Alpha Max and Luna Miranda came into the room, Jack. I have a twin sister Sarah she is in a coma from an accident when we were 13 years old. She broke her neck and couldn't move, so we put her in a medically induced coma ever since. I think Lucifer can sense her, and since we are identical twins, she could be your mate as well.

Take me to her. Lucifer says her wolf is so weak that she will not make it much longer. Also, lycan saliva can heal any aliment there mate has from deep cuts to broken bones. We run up the stairs to the Alpha's and Luna's floor and run into Sarah's room she is so small and fragile from the coma. I run to her bed, and there is a nurse and doctor in the room hovering over her. I shift to my lycan, and the nurse and doctor drop to their knees with tears in their eyes. Alpha Max says to them, "You can never tell anyone what you see here under the penalty of death." They both node to the Alpha.

I step up to Sarah's bed and put my head to hers and say "today you wake up, my little mate."
Lucifer takes over and cups her cheeks in his large hands spark, flying from the contact, and he licks her face he rolls her on her side, continues licking her neck shoulders back. I take over and say remove her feeding tube. Then he licks her lips and in her mouth.
I shift back to my human form and lay next to her. Lucifer says her wolf is sleeping now she is very tired it took so much out of her, keeping Sarah alive, and we almost lost both of them.

We will stay here tonight. I will keep Sarah calm, and I need Jessica to keep me calm. I pick Sarah up and move her over, cradling her in my arms as Jessica curles up to my back and rubs circles on it, keeping Lucifer and I content and happy.

I must have fallen asleep. I woke up to 2 beautiful brown eyes looking at me, and that same cent of the sea and carmel with so much love in them, and then she says "Mate you saved me." I will burn the world down for you, my little mate. Jessica pops her head up over my shoulder and squeals with excitement. You're awake. I can't believe it, and she started to cry, not little tears. A hard cry, I turn and pull her on my chest and comfort her, while Lucifer does this purring thing, and they both calm down in an instant. What was that, Lucifer? I will only do that for our mate's and our pups to calm them and remind them they are safe.

Alpha Max and Luna Miranda burst through the door, causing Lucifer to growl a warning they stop and start to back away and say, "Can we come in. Yes, I am sorry you startled me. Lucifer is a little protective with his mates.

Miranda is crying, holding Sarah it is a miracle. Sarah said, "No miracle, I just needed my mate to save me." Miranda said it's been 4 years, baby. I almost gave up hope next year. When you are 18, the three of you will be mated together. Jack will be the new Alpha or the new king, depending on how the king takes to a pure blooded lycan taking over the kingdom.

I stand up, and all I am I have on is a pair of boxer shorts. I look down, kind of embarrassed. Sarah pokes Jessica and says our mate is hot were did you find him, which caused them both to giggle. I need a shower and clothes. I will be back with food for Jessica and Sarah. We will have some omega's bring up some food. No, I will do it. It's my job to take care of them now. ok ok

As I leave, I hear Sarah he is very protective, isn't he? Max says he is a lycan they are loyal to their mates to the point of madness. I couldn't have picked a better mate for you, too. I will never have to worry about you two again.

Later that morning, I made my way back to the seer. Her name is Lola she asked a lot of questions about my past. We figured out my family is a direct descendant from the last royal lycan family's, and somewhere along the line lost our wolves, or they just went dormant. When Jessica marked me, it brought mine back out of hibernation. I have made this for you it will mask you, Arora, so they can't find you before you are ready for what's to come. I ask what is to come? She said the trials in front of you will be difficult with great loos, but what you gain along the way will be worth it. If that's not cryptic, I don't know what is. All she said is just keep your family safe. All will be fine.

I have been training with the warriors for 8 months now, and no one can beat me. In hand to hand combat the Alpha and Beta are afraid to face me as I had broke their arms during a fight. I have probably gained 30 pounds of muscle. Jessica says I look like a giant compared to our biggest warriors. Sara has grown and is the same size as Jessica. Now, they train together with the women warriors they are the best out of all of them.

I wanted to take my mates out on a date so we head to the nearest town stoped at a nice restaurant for dinner. Then I took them to a club to dance. I am not a huge dancer, but for them, I will do anything. On the dance floor, the girls are dancing around me, not paying much attention to anything around them. When all of a sudden a fight breaks, someone pushed Sarah, and Lucifer roared don't touch mine everyone stopped and looked at us. Jessica and Sarah grab me by my arms to calm me down. A bouncer who we knew came and started to escort us out, and somebody grabbed Jessica, making her scream. I turned in a flash and picked the guy up by palming his head. He was eye level, and my eyes flashed to gold and said again don't touch. I threw him across the floor by his head. Jessica said well he's dead. I went to go after him, and Sarah and Jessica grabbed me and pulled me to the exit.

Honey, you can't do that. Humans are weak, and that guy might die. So you don't touch what is MINE I GROWLED. I know, baby, we are yours, but you have to have more control. The bouncer name is Hunter he is part of our pack and works at the club for extra money. He gets us outside and to our car. Sir, you need to be careful. I will go back on and make sure there are no videos of you throwing that guy by his head across the bar. The good thing is no one knows you here. You stick out like a sore thumb. I laugh you are right, being 7 ft tall and 350 pounds makes it hard to hide.

Thank you, Hunter. I will see you at training.

Jessica, Sarah, and I make our way home. I see an ice-cream shop we stop and get ice cream. Sitting watching my mates, they catch me looking at them.
They ask what you are thinking?

I was thinking of how much I have fallen in love with you, two. I just can't explain how much you two mean to me. I Love you both more than you will ever know. That was the first time I told them I loved them they both had tears in their eyes and said we love you too. Ok, loves, let's head home. We get home. Alpha Max is waiting for us he has heard about our night out. Max Jack, you have to have more control. One slip might ruin us. Yes, I know, sir. I will be more careful in the future. we head upstairs, not tired, yet it's only 10 pm. All 3 of us settle down on the couch and watch TV. Sarah gets up and goes to the restroom. Jessica follows close behind. They came out wearing next to nothing. Lucifer purred with excitement.

Baby, we know we can't have sex buy. Nothing says we can't have a little fun. I am up for a little fun. they came to me and stripped me of my clothing. We spent the night exploring each others bodies. I made both my mates cum multiple times and they had me wanting more. Not much longer, my beautiful mates, and I will be fully mated. We collapse naked and content, sleeping through the night.

The next morning, I had a nagging feeling to call my sister. I leave my mates in bed and give her a call. I know it's been a while since I have talked with her. It goes straight to voice mail. I tried 5 different times, nothing. I called a few of her friends, and they told me she left with her boyfriend Darren and had not seen her since that was months ago. I growl in frustration, and my mates rush to my side. What is wrong? My sister is missing. I tell them.

I go to Alpha Maxes office nock on the door and enter. What can I do for you, son? I need your help. My sister is missing. The last time I heard from her she was going to meet her boyfriends family in Wyoming her name is Lacey and her boyfriend is Darren. It has been months I don't know what to do me and Lucifer are going nuts. We will find her son. We sent trackers and hired human detectives to help find her. Now we wait.

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