Chapter 2

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We made it back to the hotel at around 6 pm. and had a nice dinner. It was nice to be back with Jessica. I missed her. I don't know why, but being away from her hurt. As I told her this, she said it was the mate bond and will only get stronger it will be hard to be away from each other.

Lucifer is talking my ear off about our mate and how beautiful she is. Then his voice comes through me and says MINE, then pulled Jessica onto our lap.

Jessica said, "What was that?" I said Lucifer keeps pushing himself out that was him he is kind of possessive. It will get worse she said until you mark and mate with me, but we have to wait a year. I put my nose in her neck and breathed in her sent, and it relaxed me instantly. That weird I breathed in your sent and it's relaxed Lucifer and I instantly. Alpha Max laughed. I have to do it all the time to keep me and my wolf in check. I am glad Jessica is here for you.
The moon is coming up. Let's go out back and see that wolf of yours, then we can have a run through the wood together.

I put my nose back in Jessica's neck and said I was nervous and afraid. She said I will be right there with you. I will not leave your side. I will never leave you, my love.

Jessica told me to just wear a pair of boxer shorts and bring another pair to change into after.
We went out back and went into the woods they were all there looking at me. I was quite nervous. Jessica squeezed my hand in reassurance.

For your first shift, just stand on your hands and knees. Let Lucifer take control of your mind don't fight him, just let go, and you will shift faster.

I did as she said bent down on my hands and knees. Lucifer gave me very good vibes. Everything will be ok. Jessica was rubbing my back. Then pain a popping sound, and then I heard gasped from everyone, including Jessica. I looked down, and my fur was silver it glowed in the moonlight, and I was standing on 2 legs, not 4 Lucifer talked first everyone else was bowing to us all around us, even Jessica was. Lucifer made this huge roar, which shook the ground, grabbed Jessica, and ran.

Jessica put her hands on mine and Lucifers face and said, "You don't need to be afraid we are safe no one will hurt us or take me away." Slow down, Lucifer, it's ok. At that, Lucifer stopped and put Jessica dawn, and he shifted fully into a wolf. Jessica looks at us stunned. How? Just then, the rest of her family came to where I stopped and stared at us.

You are beautiful. There has never been a silver wolf or a lycan that can shift to wolf as well. None of us has ever seen one, and you are huge twice as big as dads wolf, bigger than any we have ever seen. Jessica shifted into her white wolf she is beautiful as well. Lucifer is rubbing on her and says she needs to smell like us. We start to run the freedom I felt was just uforic Lucifer is fast and so is Jessica's wolf Sophia Lucifer can talk with here they are a pair made in heaven. We ran for about 2 hours and headed back to the hotel. Jessica shifted first, then came to me and said Lucifer give Jack control, and you will shift back. As I shifted back to my human form, put my boxer shorts on, and they were tight. I stood up, and I was all of 10 inches taller than I was before I shifted and a lot bigger muscle wise as well. I asked Jessica why I was taller and bigger?

Jessica, I don't know, but I didn't think you could look any hotter, but I was wrong. Max said most wolves are born to be wolves. Their bodies are like their wolves. Your wolf just made your body like your wolf's body big.

I am really tired. Can we go back now. I have no energy. Yes, baby, let's go back. Jessica said.
she got me into a bed and laid down beside me. I put my nose in her neck and fell asleep instantly, wondering what tomorrow would bring.

One of Alpha Maxes' warriors drove my truck. I went with Jessica and her family so we could talk.

Alpha Max, I have sworn anyone who has seen you shift into a lycan to keep quiet. The king's family has even lost the ability to shift into a lycan. Jessica was supposed to be betrothed to the Kings oldest son. A loud growl sounded from me and pulled Jessica onto our lap MINE. Max, there is no doubt about that Jack the Moon Goddess chose you for a reason, and we can't reveal your true identity until you two are fully mated. On Jessica's 18th birthday, the king and his family will be here for her birthday party, and to see her wolf the night of her party, they do not know she got her wolf early. You two have to be mated by the time he arrives. Fated mates are way more important to keep together than chosen mates. After you are mated and you mark Jessica, she will change into a lycan as well. As lycans and mated, you two will be the strongest of any werewolves. Stronger I asked?
Yes, after you are mated, it makes you stronger it's having your other half you never knew you needed.
But if you get reveled before the royals will try to get rid of you, kill you, and as powerful as you are going to become mated to my daughter, keeping you hidden is best for all of us.

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