Chapter 5

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We spent our day doing whatever the girls wanted to do, then I got a link from one of my gaurds, the Gamma and his daughter, were there.

We made our way to the pack house entrance. The Gamma and his daughter were standing there. Alex was by my side. I put my hand out and said, "I am Jackson he put his out and said I am Josh." Josh, these are my mates Jessica and Sarah. His jaw dropped 2 mates. I said the Moon Goddess blessed me, I suppose. Josh, what is your daughters name, Abigail? he said. Abigail, may I have a moment to speak to you. She looked at he father he shook his head yes, and we walked out of hearing distance.

Abigail, I need to tell you why Alex did what he did she just shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes.
I kneel down to her level and said. Alex's father, the king, is a vindictive sun of a bitch and made Alex reject you. They came here for Jessica, my mate, so he could mate with an Alpha's daughter. Well, that's not happening, and in about 2 hrs, I will be king. You will be King how? I showed her my mark and then told her I was a pure blooded Lycan. She said your mark is a Royal mark. I said yes, the Moon Goddess put me here to fix the kings wrongs, and I am starting with you and Alex. She looked at me and gave me the biggest smile one filled with hope and love. Can I hug you she said. Yes, I would be honored. She hugged me and then ran back towards Alex.

As I looked up, I saw Alex say, " I am so sorry." She just hugged and kissed him, not letting him go.

Jessica and Sarah came to me and said that is beautiful, and I hope we get to do that more often. I hope so, my loves. I hope so.

I spend another hour with my mates then say let's head over to the training grounds get this farce of a fight over with.

As I get to the grounds, I see a very scared looking queen staring at me. I tell my mates, "Sit with her comfort her, let her know nothing changes for her if she doesn't want it to change."

I jump into the ring and wait for the king to show up. He gets in the ring, and I tell him this is going to hurt really bad. I look over to Alpha Max, and he says in his Alpha tone there has been a challenge for the crown from our own Jack he is of royal blood and has challenged the king for his thrown. Let the challenge begin.

I let the king come to me he got close, took a swing at me, and I let him hit me square on the jaw he hit me with all his might, and I didn't budge didn't move a bit. The fear in his eyes was priceless when I said my turn. I let Lucifer take over he shifted in a second, hitting the king so hard I swear his head was going to come off, and he fell to the ground in a crumpled heap.

As I looked around, everyone was kneeling to Lucifer as he roared, and I knew we were meant to lead, seeing a lycan for the first time was a shock for most of them as well.

I stood in my lycan form, and Lucifer started to talk.
My name is Lucifer. I am the first one the original lycan made by the Goodness. My soul is over a thousand years old. I was sent her by the Moon Goddess to bring back the old ways and make sure our way of life is not lost by greed and corruption, so listen carefully. Fated mates are not to be rejected as of today. The Moon Goddess Does Not Make Mistakes! If you take a chosen mate out if greed or to gain more power or just because you don't want your fated I have the power to dissolve chosen mated bonds and I will do it if I find anyone is mated against there will! if you don't want your chosen mate, you don't get a mate that just how it will be. The Moon Goddess chose me to bring these decrees to you.

After my crowning ceremony, I will be visiting every pack unannounced so I can judge for myself if your packs are worthy. And if you are not worthy to lead, I will put people in place to lead for a better tomorrow for us all. I shifted back to my human side and left the arena.

My mates were waiting for me. I told them, "Let's go for a run. Lucifer wants to spend some time with your wolves. We walk toward the woods my mates undress and shift they both shift into the most beautiful pure white lycans Lucifer has ever seen, they are both surprised. How can this be? I told them after I marked you last night Lucifer's venom in his bite turned you to lycans. You should still be able to shift into your wolves as well, at they continued their shift into wolves. I shifted into my wolf, and we ran.
For hours playing pushing nipping sniffing licking, there may have been some animalistic sex going on as well.

All of a sudden, I stop. I hear howls in the distance I open my link to the pack. The alpha is screaming at me. The king has his army going against the pack Fuck I yell racing back to the pack house.
As I get there, it is anarchy. I shift into my Lycan and let my aurora out in full. As I walk, I see the king and head straight to him. No body touched me they just fell to their knees as I walked by. I reached the king, picked him up by his head, and told him this ends now, and I knocked him out I a swift blow to the head. Then I let a roar out that shook the earth itself, making everyone stop and look at me.

Enough I won the challenge today. This man is no longer a king he is just a common criminal who will now spend the rest of his life in my dungeon. And will be tried for trying to overthrow the rightful king. With my aurora  still flowing out of me like water, now everyone is on their knees, head down in submissions.

As I stepped into the pack house, I ran into Linda the exqueen she had a worried look on her face. What is going to happen to me now? I said, "Are you and Mark fated mates?" She said no, I was forced into the mating and marriage vows by my father and the king. I growled at that, then said, "Where is your fated mate?" She told me he is in the dungeon of my father Alpha Tristan he was the Alpha's beta's son we grew up together, I was told he would live as long as I stayed with the king.
I have the power to remove a forced mating bond.
I will remove it. If you let me, we will throw all the pain back towards Mark he will suffer for what has been done to you. She nodded her head yes. I removed her mark, and it was painless. I removed the bond, and she was free. She looked so happy, so free. I can't thank you enough. You are going to be a great king.

I am not done. Where is your is your father's pack?
The borders of this pack borders his to the North it is smaller than this pack, but the king has supported him for so long they are weak. Tomorrow morning, we will make a surprise visit to his pack, get your mate back as well as remove your father from power. Remove him from power? Are you an only child? I asked, and she said yes. I will make your mate the Beta's son Alpha, and you will be his Luna. The two of you can build your pack back up, I will support you how I can from the capital as your king and friend. She looked at me with tear filled eyes and cried for a long time. My mates came in and sat down on both sides of her to comfort her. I told them our plan for tomorrow, and they agreed excitement was in the air things were changing for the better for all of us.

We all sat around the tables in the dining hall for dinner, I was talking with Alex, and I asked him what he wanted to do now? He said, "I don't know." I never wanted to be King. I am not sure. I want you to be my beta. What do you think. He choked on the food he was eating and said it would be my honor, my king, to serve you. Are you sure you want me? I said yes I do. You were only following your father out of fear. I can tell the kind of person you are. I can feel it. Lucifer can see things.
As I look at him talking with his mate, they look at me and say we accept. It would be our honor to serve.
Great, after I am sworn in, I will swear you two into your new rolls as betas of the royal pack.

Before that, we will make a trip to your grandfather's pack and get your mother's fated mate out of the dungeon. I went over the plan with him, and he said it's about time to get that abusive Alpha from power.

Alex and I went to Alpha Maxes' office to go over plans for tomorrow. Max asked if we wanted warriors to go with us. I said no, I will have to trust the royal guard to keep me safe. We all laughed as I couldn't keep myself safe. We adjourned our meeting. I went out to the royal guards tents to make introductions and get their support for what is to come in our kingdom.

As I walked into the tent, the capital of the gaurd Jim jumped up and bowed respectfully as the others in the tent did as well. My king, we were not expecting you. My apologies, he said. I told him apologies were not needed and I was there to talk with them.

I started by asking them if they would take the oath to serve me. They all said yes, not only that your a lycan but from what you have said and the things we have seen we are excited to see what the future brings under the rule of a true king. They all took the oath to serve me and my family till death.

Then I go over tomorrow's plan to remove Alpha Tristan from power. They tell me there are 20 royal gaurds there protecting the pack. When we get close enough, they will link them, and we will have our in to the pack. They also told me about a lot of Tristans indiscretions towards his own pack mates, which earned a threatening growl from me, which made them all flinch. I said I was off. I will see you all ready to go in the morning. We will leave at 9:00 AM.

I head back into the pack house to my room and my mates. I am happy with how everything is turning out. I get to my room and smell my mates. I relax instantly. I open the door to two very naked bodies lying on the bed waiting for me. We made love and held each other till sleep took hold of us.

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