Summer Flower

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Hello, this is the first time I'm uploading a fanfic. I hope you like it, forgive my grammatical mistakes, English is not my first language.
More notes at the end.

During the summer, the sunny afternoons in Pelican Town get a little boring.

Haley had met Alex at the ice cream stand by the library as usual and said goodbye to him to head home, her mind was distracted thinking about what to cook for dinner. Same old routine but today something seemed different.

Emily had bought the ingredients she had asked for?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she arrived at the main square of the town and ran into the new farmer, it had been a season since she had moved to the old farm, it was quite strange because she hadn't introduced herself to the other villagers yet, maybe she was just a weirdo.

-Oh... you're that new farmer, aren't you? Huh? Oh... I'm Haley.

- Ah, Hello uhmmm I know it's a little late but... I'm ____, nice to meet you.

The farmer had a visibly nervous tone, she was avoiding looking at her in the eyes. Haley didn't had the opportunity to see her up this close before.

Her hair was short and curly, Haley could tell she didn't take much care of it because of the lack of shine, she also had a straw hat adorned with a small leaf on it.

Now she remembered it, she had seen her a couple of times from afar carrying things back and forth. Sometimes talking to Mayor Lewis or Pierre in his store.

Emily also seemed to be the only one talking to the farmer in the tavern, although that didn't surprise her from her older sister.

She analyzed the girl up and down, At first glance she didn't look like someone who was dedicated to farm life, she was also a bit short for her taste, but Haley had to admit, the farm girl had a pretty face, too bad the same couldn't be said for her clothes, she had grass stains on her knees and dirty gloves on her hands.

-Hmm ... If it weren't for those awful clothes, you might be pretty - she admitted without thinking too much about it.

The farmer didn't know how to respond to her words, her cheeks colored a shade of pink, Haley let out a small laugh and went on her way.

-Actually, it doesn't matter .

-...wait!, I-I wanted to give you this - The farmer interrupted her again, taking off one of her gloves to search in her backpack and taking out a sunflower to hand it to her, it was adorned with a small ribbon. Surprised Haley took the sunflower, smiling.

-Wow, it's beautiful! These are my favorite!

For a moment as she took the sunflower, she could feel the farmer's hands, her fingers were small in comparison and felt a little rough from working on the farm, but somehow, they also felt warm.

The farmer couldn't help but smile shyly, scratching her cheek and said

-I'm glad, Emily told me you liked them...ah I have other things to do today, see you later!

She waved goodbye as she ran after Jodi, it looked like she was going to say Hi and give her a gift as well. Haley watched her walk away, she chuckled once again to herself as she headed up the porch of her house with the sunflower in her hand.

Maybe having a new farmer wasn't so bad after all.

The summer afternoon got a little more interesting.

Notes: I love Emily so much, I always marry her in all the runs, but lately I've come across some content about Haley, that inspired me to write this fanfic!

🌻Sunflower🌻 Stardew Valley  | HaleyxFemale Farmer ! |Where stories live. Discover now