Night Wish

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Haley went into the bedroom and changed her clothes in silence, processing what had happened.
In this situation, what could she do?

She brushed her hair with her fingers. Then she tied it up with a hair tie she had on her wrist. It was the best she could do at the moment. It stressed her out to have her hair like that, but she didn't think it was that important right now.

When she got back, what could she say to the farmer? She wanted to have the words to comfort her, but she couldn't find them. She had never been good with words, and it was her wish to have the right thing to say in a situation like this. 

She took her wet clothes and went back to the living room, wanting to leave them in the basket, but there she saw the gift for Emily and the heart-stamped letter again.
She'd forgotten it was there, and now she realized that _____ had given her, her hat so that she wouldn't have to use the basket to cover herself from the rain, and so that she would protect the contents of the basket with her body to keep them from getting wet.

Despite everything _____ still had the kind personality she knew, she just needed to get some of her light back, she couldn't blame her, what would be good for healing a broken heart? Haley sighed thoughtfully, went into the kitchen, confidently searching drawers and cabinets for a plastic laundry bag so she wouldn't stain anything in the basket.

She didn't want to snoop, but she saw a couple of boxes of flour, a couple of sacks of sugar, and a few other ingredients. She started to think, putting a hand to her chin, maybe a cake would cheer her up, sweet things always went well when people were sad.

She started to gather the ingredients on the table, but soon the farmer returned, soaking wet, with a gray tabby cat in her arms.

-Ah... it's terrible out there, Micho, why do you like to sleep with the chickens anyway?

The cat replied with a small mew.

-Welcome back~ eh, is this your cat? I didn't know you had one.

Haley greeted her from the kitchen with a bowl in her hand. The farmer looked at her, wanting to know what she was doing.

-Yeah, this little guy is Micho, Marnie told me a month ago if I wanted to keep him.

The taller woman left the bowl on the kitchen table to approach the cat and the farmer.

-Cute! Can I pet him?

-Sure! He really likes to be pampered.

Haley reached out first, and when he was done sniffing her, she patted his little head and he began to purr happily. Micho was dry compared to ____, maybe a little wet, but otherwise he looked fluffy, surely the farmer had also acted as a rain shield for him.

-You like Haley, huh? Micho

_____ put the cat down, who immediately rubbed against the blonde's legs. Haley laughed a little. Now that she was in front of the farmer, she noticed that her eyelids were a little red and swollen as if she had been crying. Trying not to say anything, she took the towel she had used to dry herself and carefully began to dry ___'s hair.

-You should dry yourself as well and change your clothes, you're soaking wet.

She said with a soft smile, and the farmer nodded as the other one started to dry her face and her cheeks.

-Okay, will do, uhm what are you doing?

-Um...a cake

-Huh? A cake?  Do you know how to make one?

She looked at her in disbelief, maybe she hadn't mentioned it yet, but Haley did know how to cook, even if it was mostly just desserts and cakes. Haley laughed and dried her hair with a little more force, ruffling her curly hair.

🌻Sunflower🌻 Stardew Valley  | HaleyxFemale Farmer ! |Where stories live. Discover now