My Favorite

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She slept peacefully through the night, despite the storm she was finally able to rest undisturbed after all these days of bad nights where anguish woke her up in the middle of the darkness of her room.

Haley felt the morning light streaming through the window. She squeezed her eyes shut, still not wanting to wake up.

"Just a little longer," she thought.

She hugged the farmer in her arms snuggling her to her chest, she wanted to share the morning a little more with her. She wanted to squeeze her body a little more with hers, to feel her softness.


In fact her body felt very very soft.

Haley squeezed her, tighter and tighter, "what?" she opened her eyes and looked at "the farmer" blinking several times, realizing that she was alone in the room, she was hugging a pillow.

She went silent .

Micho looked at her confused as well.


-Good morning, Micho," she petted the cat's head, who purred in response.

Her hair was a mess, she even felt like she had drooled during the night, she prayed that ____ hadn't seen that. As best she could she fixed her hair, she would finish tidying it up later.

She lazily got out of bed, and headed to the next room where she heard some noise and the TV on. There in the kitchen was ____, wearing a mint green apron, watching TV while making coffee.

When she noticed Haley's presence she turned to see her with a smile, much more genuine than the one from yesterday.

-Good morning, Haley!

-Good morning, I see you're up early

The farmer indicated for her to sit in the dining room, pouring coffee in a cup.

-Yep, I have to feed the cows at about 6 am.

-At 6 am! You sure are diligent.

-And you looked so cute sleeping so I sneaked out so I wouldn't wake you.

Haley blushed and tried to hide her face by taking a sip of her coffee, complaining about how hot it was. The farmer let out a giggle as she held out a napkin.



The sound of the toaster alerted ___ who took a plate to put the toast on, then carried it to the table along with some jam.

-Here, have some. It's coconut jam!


-hehe, yes. I'm trying new things. Tell me what you think, I was thinking of bringing it to the stardew valley fair. Maybe I'll win ~

Haley spread some of the jam on the bread, took a bite and her face brightened.

-Mmmh! It's delicious! If you don't win with this the mayor is an idiot!


They both looked at each other.

-Well... maybe he is, maybe he is a bit of an idiot.

Haley couldn't help but snort before bursting out laughing ____ followed her. Breakfast was calm, the news said it would be sunny all week. And today's luck: neutral, it was up to them to make it a good day.

Despite wanting to spend more time here, Haley had to go home, before the neighbors saw her like that, in teddy bear pajamas walking in the middle of the town square with her hair like that, that was a no, no!

After breakfast together, ___ walked her to the door.

-Are you carrying everything?

-Yes, I think so.

-It's okay, if you forget anything I'll bring it home later, okay?

Haley nodded happily taking the basket.

-And Haley...


-Thank you...for everything, I'm going to keep working hard from now on....

The taller woman smiled sideways listening to her determined attitude.
"I'm going to do my best too" She thought to herself as she caressed __'s head without realizing it, it was like a reflex and when she realized it she blushed, nervously messing up ___'s hair a little.


-I hope so! ...Well, I'd better hurry, thanks for letting me spend the night, I'll give you back your pajamas when I wash them, ok?

She didn't seem to notice, but a slight blush colored on ___'s cheeks. She waved goodbye as she walked towards the exit of the farm, her gaze went up to the sky, appreciating its blue color.

She knew it was time to talk, right now she had to use the courage that ____ had unknowingly given her.

She hurried home, before the people of Pelican Town came out of their houses, she saw Shane passing by and heading to his work a few houses ahead, she decided to cut her way through the park getting into the bushes, yes she looked a little ridiculous, but right now no one was looking at her and that was the important thing, no one else could see her like this, with the teddy bear pajamas from ____.

"Perfect... "She whispered seeing the clear path, she turned her head left and right, but no one appeared. She took advantage of the space between her and Jodi's house. She hurriedly put the key in the doorknob, it opened with a small click, entered the house quickly and closed the door behind her, leaning her back against it, sighing in relief.

-Ah... finally home...

-Oh, Haley, hi, you're back!

Haley gasped at the shock of Emily sitting in the living room reading a book with her cup of tea, it looked like she was having breakfast.

-Eh? Why are you screaming, cute pajamas, I didn't know you liked those with teddy bears on them.

She said it honestly, she really wasn't making fun of her but unfortunately that wasn't Haley thought, she blushed immediately.

-It's not mine!! I borrowed them from ___ to sleep in because my clothes got all wet!

She spoke so fast it was barely understandable, luckily Emily understood what she wanted to say and nodded.

-O-oh I see, I'm glad you had a good time!

-Ugh, the storm was horrible

Emily smiled supportively as Haley headed to the washing machine to wash her dress and change, she opened the basket she remembered Sandy's errand.

-Oh yes, we saw Sandy at the Oasis, she sent this for you.

She calmly handed her the package and the letter, Emily's face lit up and she was blushing a little.

-Oh? Really? Thank you so much!

- Yeah, yeah...hey, when were you going to tell me about you and Sandy?

she asked inquisitively, squeezing the cheek of her older sister who was cornered by her little sister's interrogation.

-Ow I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was a little, embarrassed...

Haley let go, she wasn't squeezing hard, it was just something she used to do since they both were kids.

-Huh? A little embarrassed? You know you can tell me anything, dummy.

She put both hands on the sides of her hips, smiling at her in a mischievous but gentle way, Emily caught the smile, so she nodded.

- You can tell me all the details later, I'll take a shower.

-You too .... -You can tell me all about it, you know that, don't you?

She was about to leave but then Emily's words cut her off. She turned to look at her for a moment, her older sister had a mischievous smile too, Haley couldn't help but feel nervous, she knew deep down what she meant.

-I-I don't know what you're talking about! I'm going to the shower now!

Again she turned her back to her to hide her blush and left to go to the bathroom.

Emily chuckled to herself.


🌻Sunflower🌻 Stardew Valley  | HaleyxFemale Farmer ! |Where stories live. Discover now