suck it

83 3 2

1983/ July

The past two months has been crazy, but good. The boys are recording their second album Shout at the Devil and tonight they wanted to go to Rainbow, their favourite spot. Honestly, I liked the place, you could be free there and have a fucking blast. A lot of cool, interesting people. 

I usually go with them, kinda it's a part of my job now. Doc asked me to babysit them...well, not really babysit, I let them do whatever the fuck they want, but just make sure they end up alive. So..another night, another God knows what crazy shit is going to happen tonight. 

I got to the Rainbow and the boys were already there, sitting in their usual spots around the table, getting sucked off. 

"Hey, look dudes! Our girl came!" Tommy excitedly announced to the rest, pointing a finger in my direction. 

inspo for outfit

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inspo for outfit

"Hello boys..How ya feelin?" I asked them, flirty tone in my voice. "Fucking great, come sit with me" Nikki replied, while I heard the others also cheer and chuckle, letting me know that they are feeling good. So I passed Mick and sat between him and Nikki. 

"You look good, doll." whispering in my ear he said. I met his gaze with a smile, noting the drunken haze in his eyes, undoubtedly fueled by a mix of other substances. With a carefree grin, he leaned back against the booth, stretching his arm behind me to rest atop the crimson sofa. "Thank you Nikki" with a soft smile I replied. He smiled wider and leaned in a little bit again "And you smell delicious", he winked and leaned back making himself comfortable. 

The night went on, Vince and Nikki as usual had chicks around them, sitting in their laps. Tommy was shotgunning someone, while me and Mick were chatting and making comments about our surroundings. We kinda bonded over the past months, I get him - he gets me. And then we hear from the dude that was with Tommy, saying loudly "Whoever wins, get to do a body shot on her", he pointed at me with a sleazy smile. 

"Alright..Tommy you better not dissapoint", I said, being sure that T-bone would win anyways. "I'm in too" Nikki quickly grabbed a beer can and stepped closer to the other two. "Me too, fuckers!" Vince did the same, pushing the girl off of him and joining them. "And I!" The girl who was with Vince joined, to my suprise. Everybody looked a little shocked, but soon their wide eyes turned into chuckling.This is gonna be good

"For fucks sake Y/N, stop stealing my chicks!" Vince commented, with an expression, a mix of disbelief and admiration as his gaze met mine. "I already told you, don't blame it on me.." is all I could say to him, because honestly, I don't know what it was, but Vince kept getting chicks that liked me too. I guess blondes like me. And so the five of them - Tommy, the other dude, Nikki, Vince and his girl were competing on who can shotgun faster. Good outfit choise regardless of who wins, I thought

Guess who won. 

"Whouu!" Nikki's shout pierced the air as he triumphantly finished first, slamming the beer can down with a wide grin aimed my way. "Damn, dude!" Tommy protested with a playful whine. "Sixx, you're unstoppable!" Vince chimed in, throwing his hands up in surrender. Nikki's gaze turned towards me, his grin widening. "Get ready, doll," he declared with a mischiev in his eyes. And there I was, laying on the table, a salt line on my stomach, shot glass with tequila between my tits, which I squeezed to keep the glass in place and a lime slice between my lips. 

"Okay Sixx, she's ready!" Tommy announced. 

He took hold of my waist with one hand, his touch sending shivers down my spine, while the other gripped my hip firmly. Slowly, he trailed his tongue along the salt line, not stopping until he reached my tits, his hands inching upward. As he looked at me with lust and hunger in his eyes, our gazes locked in a flirty stare. He downed the shot and leaned in, his lips teasingly brushing against mine as he took the lime from my mouth.

Shit. That was one of the hottest things that has happened to me, and you could fucking feel the sexual tension between us. Yeah, the last days it hasn't been light teasing or fucking around anymore, now it's intense tension, which is killing me. But I don't want to give in, not yet at least. And the fucked up part is - I am starting to feel jealous of the other girls he sleeps with. And I don't like it, I shouldn't fall in fucking love with him, because then things are going to get messy. So, maybe I should fuck him, but then again I know I won't be able to keep cool when he has different girl every night. And I will just be one of them. 

I jumped off the table and the guys cheered. "Fuck yeah! That was sick dude!" Tommy side hugging me said, while Vince tapping my back said "Let's do it again!" To that I had make sure nobody makes a bet on me, at least for tonight, "No, fuckers, I am not doing it again, or else there will be a line and I'll be laying on this table all fucking night" Tommy thought for a second and agreed "Good point" 

As everyone dispersed back to their spots, Nikki and I remained by the table. "You know," he began, casually draping an arm around my waist and drawing me closer, his gaze lingering on my chest, "I would've won the second round too." With a playful smirk, I gently wriggled out of his embrace, teasingly replying, "Don't get too greedy..." before turning my back to him with a grin. "Oh, but I am greedy" he exclaimed, his voice laced with a hint of hunger as he stepped closer, turned me around, so his eyes were locking onto mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. I scoffed and turned away again, but soon enough he embraced me from the back, putting his arms around my waist and placing his palms on my hips. He pulled me closer, closing the space between his crotch and my ass. And I could feel it. Fuck. He then leaned into my neck and with a low voice said "And I know you want it too", he then pressed a kiss on my shoulder.

His hair brushed against my neck and the side of my face, I leaned my head on his shoulder, putting my hands on his forearms. He smelled like alcohol and smoke mixed with sweat and the perfume from other girls. I was horny already, but now I'm staight up fucking wet. 

But I couldn't give him the satisfaction and regardless of the situation, I couldn't let him make me one of his groupies. So I turned around and put my face close to his, our lips almost touching "And what happens after, huh?" I questioned. "What do you mean?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows. I backed out and explained "What happens when you get what you will go and fuck that chick (points to the girl he was with at the table) tomorrow." With a small chuckle he says "Depends how good you are" 

At that moment, I felt really fucking angry. I hadn't anticipated his audacity, and with venom on my tongue, I spat out, "Oh, fuck off! I am not your groupie." But, he didn't seem fazed by my outburst. Instead, he responded playfully, "Come on, I'm sure you're great. No need to worry, doll." There was nothing more to say to that. With a cold glare I replied, "Suck it, asshole!"

And with that I turned my back for the final timen and went for a smoke. Much needed. While standing outside, getting fresh air and coming off the alcohol, I felt very proud of myself actually. I didn't give in even when I was fucking dripping. He's such an asshole though, but that comes in handy for me, since it is a massive turn off when he talks to me like that. 

After the cigarette, I went back inside and continued my night like usual. Letting loose, but still having my sanity. 

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