all good

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"Hey! What the fuck dude, get away from her, you fucker!" I heard Nikki's voice, and relief washed over me, knowing I was saved. Thomas grunted through his teeth and muttered, "For fuck's sake," as he looked over his shoulder, still holding tightly onto me. Bringing his attention back to me and loosening his grip, he asked, "Do you think he's willing to share?". A second later, he was yanked back by the collar of his jacket with force, making him stumble. The scene before me was Nikki's fist flying into Thomas's face. 

I stood still, watching it. One hit after another,  until Thomas completely lost his balance and fell to the ground. Nikki paused, looking at him, waiting to see if he would stay down or try to continue the fight. But soon enough, Thomas grabbed Nikki's leg, trying to pull him down too. Nikki almost lost his balance but quickly steadied himself, standing with Thomas's body between his legs. "You fucker!" He grabbed Thomas by his jacket and hauled him up, throwing another set of punches to his face. But he didn't stop. I could see that Thomas's nose was already busted and his lip split, blood starting to cover his face and Nikki's fist more and more. Thomas didn't try to fight back anymore, barely holding onto Nikki's arm that was still gripping his jacket.

"Yo, Nikki stop!" Tommy shouted, but it seemed pointless. Seeing that, he rushed closer and tried to pull Nikki back from him, which looked like it took some strenght to do so. Almost unconscious, Thomas laid on the ground, weakly bringing his arm up to his beaten face. "Motherfucker" Nikki spat, still being high on adrenaline and still kneading in his spot. Tommy tried to calm him down, doing a few pats on his back and bringing his other arm to pat Nikki's chest, "Almost fucking killed the guy," he said with a serious tone and looking back at Thomas, "but that was sick, dude!" he brought back his demeanor and was practically jumping with excitment, throwing a brotherly punch to Nikki. 

He quickly returned Tommy's excitment with a light chuckle and playfully pushed him back "Got what he deserved" and suddenly remembering that I was still standing there, brought his gaze to me. His smile disappeared, and in an instant, his expression changed. Worry filled his eyes, and concern lingered on his face. He quickly got closer to me "Y/N," he put his hands on my arms and trailed them slowley up and down, his eyes searching my body, "are you okay?" he asked. 

Honestly, I didn't know how I felt. Everything happened so fast, in what seemed like seconds. Thomas was lying beaten on the ground, and now Nikki's bloody hands were on the spot where Thomas had painfully gripped me. I thought about how Nikki had continued to use him as a punching bag, wondering how much anger, frustration, and rage he had inside him. I'm sure he didn't go off on him like that just because of me or the coke. Those were only the supporting factors.

"I'm alright now." I managed to say, still lost in my thoughts. I looked at his split knuckles and strangely felt sorry for him. Somehow, I saw something more hidden behind this fight, and it wasn't just to protect me.

"You sure?" Nikki placed his hand on my cheek, silently asking for reassurance. I took his hand and looked at his bloody knuckles again, still trying to understand his outburst. I brought his hand to my lips and planted a soft kiss, tasting the faint sweetness of blood and iron. "Yes, Nikki, I'm alright," I said, making eye contact, "thank you." He smiled and pulled me to his chest, giving me a light squeeze. "Let's get inside, doll." Draping his arm over my shoulders, I stayed close to his side as we walked away.

I saw Sharon had found Ozzy too and they were discussing something, she looked annoyed, but patient. Tommy had found Vince and was snorting another line. I didn't even notice him dissapering from the fight scene..while Mick was nowhere to be seen. We made our way to a table and sat down, Nikki still keeping his arm around my shoulders. He immediately grabbed the nearly empty bottle of Jack Daniel's and took a gulp. Then, taking his arm away from me, he poured some on his knuckles. Nikki quietly let out a hiss, shaking his hand before bringing it back around me. Soon enough we were joined again by Ozzy. 

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