shout at the Devil

45 3 5

1983/ September

Well, shit.

During recording of Shout at the devil, Nikki got into a car crash. He was drunk and stole someones car. What a fucking scary night. I felt like I failed as a friend, to keep an eye on him, because I know he doesn't know the limits and can get himsef easily killed. Thank God, he injured only his shoulder, but a fucking strong medication was perscribed. Percocet. I knew it was gonna turn out badly, because Nikki fucking Sixx likes to abuse, not use. 

But today is a happy day. Motley Crue is realising their second album Shout at the Devil. This one is going to bring a shit load of attention, I just know it. And so I had to get ready for the release party. I'm so excited and happy. The boys in these few months have really become my friends and I fucking love them. They are my boys.

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All the important shit was done and I could let loose tonight. So I got to the place where the party was happening. The usual scene - girls, booze, drugs, loud music and smoke. Happy people. I tried to look for my boys and while doing that I met few people along the way and had small talk. Finally I spotted them, which wasn't that hard honestly. As I was walking towards the table, Nikki noticed me and his face spread in a wide smile. "Y/N!"

He was high and drunk as usual, but for fucks sake he looked amazing anyways. Just looking at him I felt my womanhood clenching. Tommy, Vince and Mick also turned their eyes to me and I was welcomed with happy faces and warm smiles.

"Hello, boys..How ya feelin?" I asked, recieving happy cheers from them. "Better now" Nikki locked his gaze with mine and gestured to come sit next to him. Trough the many nights of partying with them, I had my sitting spot as well. It's between Mick and Nikki. So I made my way there.

"Can you fucking believe it!?" Tommy with his usual excitment in his tone asked. "Yeah, T-bone, I can! Congrats boys! People are going to loose their minds!" looking at them I happily said. "Thank you, doll.. You look fucking hot tonight" Nikki commented, leaning closer to me, but everyone could hear him regardless. "Yeah, I won't bring any of my chicks near you!" Vince laughing mentioned. "Don't I look hot every night?" smirking, I teased the boys. "You do." Nikki said with his signature sleazy grin, while putting his hand on my thigh and squeezing it. 

I lit my herbs and got a drink. I have a feeling that tonight is going to be good. And Nikki doesn't have an annoying girl on his dick. At least yet. But actually, I had noticed, that he hasn't been with some groupies so often as he was before. Yeah, of course, he's still fucking them from time to time, but it's almost like somethings up with him. Maybe it's the prescription. Or other drugs..

The night went on, people were mingaling and having a blast. I had pretty much stayed at the table the whole time, scoping the surroundings and making funny comments with Mick. Tommy and Nikki was like usual stirring shit up and having fun, Vince fucking groupies. Doc, Doug and Tom are still technicly working, making sure everything goes smooth and mingaling with the right people. My job so far is also going smooth. All four of them are alive.

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