bad decisions

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after the show

I watched their set and waited for them to come off the stage, congratulating them on a great fucking performance. I'm so happy that I will get to experience this almost every night, throughout a year and not to mention, being in so many city's and country's.

They got back to their dressing rooms and calmed down from the high adrenaline, while I took that time to see Ozzy perform live. I couldn't believe that this is my life and wanted to grasp every second and secure it deep in my memories. About 30 minutes later, I went back to the boys, who were all in one room together, chatting away.

"Here's our girl!" Vince said loudly, seeing me enter the room. "Come here Y/N!" Tommy added. I sat in a chair that was opposite the couch and table. "I can't get over how fun it was to watch you guys kill it! I told you the people are going to love you!" I said to them confidently. "Yeah, it was fucking sick, dude!" Tommy replied. "Now we just need to fuel up un some booze and chicks" Vince added. "Got everything I need already" Mick said, bringing his bottle up and taking a chug. "Yo, what strip club are we going to?" Tommy asked. "Gotta ask Oz, we're in England, I don't fucking know" Vince replied to Tommys question. "You coming with us?" Nikki nodded his head in my direction. "Fuck yeah, I want to have some fun too" smirking I replied. Nikki returned my smirk with his own sleazy one "That's our girl". Vince pointed a finger at me "No chick stealing Y/N". I put up my hands in surrender "I can't help it if they want to fuck me". Tommy laughing added "That dress ain't helping.."

We sat there laughing, drinking, the boys indulging in more drugs, and chatting away, with Ozzy's music playing in the background. When the show was done, the boys did as they planned, and soon enough we were at some strip club, full with half naked girls and drunk men around the place. Loud music was playing, women grinding on poles, smoke and loud voices filled the room. Not much different from american clubs. We found a free table and all sat down, ordering a round of drinks. The boys eyes darted in all directions, seeking the best company for the night.

Vince, the womanizer, ditched the chick from the show venue for a stripper at the club within the first few minutes and was receiving a lap dance. However, it wasn't long before she led him to a private room. Tommy, Nikki, and Oz were consuming large amounts of drugs, snorting all kinds of substances. Whenever you looked at them, their heads would be down on the table. Mick and I, as usual, were scoping out the surroundings and engaging in conversation here and there.

"Well, the first show is done, mates, only 100 fucking more to go." Ozzy said. "I don't care, I love it, dude!" Tommy replied with more energy than before. How the fuck his eyeballs haven't popped out of his skull from all that coke energy.. Nikki however, was staying silent, focusing his gaze on me. "Yeah, man, I could do it every night". Ozzy chuckled "I'm glad yall are glad, but let me tell you, you'll get tired of it. Yeah we are having fun, but it's the same shit over and over again." I butted in "This is all new for us Oz, I'm sure we are going to enjoy every moment, even if it's the same shit. Gotta live trough it". He looked me straight in the eye. "You keep these fuckers on board, love. Make sure they know when to say when." It didn't make sense, but I understood what he meant by that. And I knew it was going to be a challenge. But in that moment, I promised myself to do everything in my power to look out for them. I thought about Sharon and how she keeps an eye on Ozzy, even though it's not always succesfull..

Few hours passed and we had a blast, taking some crazy photos, indulging in more chemicals and booze, and overall having a fun time together. Then Tommy had a great idea.

"Yo, dudes, we should totally get some tattoos," he proposed. "Right now?" I asked. "Yeah!" he practically shouted. "I'm down," Nikki answered to the proposition. "Yeah, me too, it will be sick!" Vince added his vote. Everybody was looking at Mick, since he hadn't said anything yet. "Fuck it, let's go," he said, taking a sip of his bottle. "You want to get something too, doll?" Nikki asked me. "Sure, don't know what though..." I thought about it for a second and an even crazier idea came to my mind, "how about you boys think of something and I'll get whatever it is," I said, smiling wide. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Mick reminded. "That's the point, Mick," I laughed in reply. All this time the boys were smiling like fools, while Nikki had his signature sleazy grin. no regrets, I thought to myself, knowing it won't be a tattoo of a fucking rose or butterfly. 

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