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"Y'know you're an idiot, right?" The black haired girl said to the white haired girl in front of her.

"I know. But I'm your idiot, phoenix." The girl said in response, letting out a small chuckle.

"Don't. Just don't." Phoenix had tears in her eyes as she stared into the other's icy blue eyes. She wished she could just read the emotions behind those eyes, but she couldn't.

"Don't what?" She had a small smile placed onto her face as she tilted her head ever so slightly to the right.

"You know you can't love me. So why do you have to do this to me? It's just going to make it harder to walk away Robin." Phoenix raised a hand to her cheek wiping away a teardrop that had rolled down it.

"But I can." Robin replied as she tried to grab onto Phoenix's hand, but she pulled back.

"Stop being stupid. You know you can't as much as I wished you could. This isn't real, I know it isn't! You could never love me. You can't." She didn't even realize she had tears streaming down her face or that she was yelling by now.

"But I love you."

"But you're dead."

Phoenix shot up sweat dripping down her forehead as she frantically looked around the room. "Fuck.." she raised her hands to cover her face as tears streamed down her face, soaking her bedsheets. "I miss her so much.."

Phoenix jumped up out of her bed, well, actually not hers but she was the only one to use it now. She walked over to her wardrobe, opening it and just changing into a hoodie and baggy trousers before looking in the mirror. Phoenix had massive eye bags under her eyes and her face was all swollen and puffy from crying.

She ran her fingers through her hair as she walked out of the room, not bothering to fully do her hair, she didn't have the energy anymore. She was greeted by the voices of Ash and Misty arguing over something as she walked into the kitchen, which was connected to the living room.

"Morning Phoenix, everything ok?" Brook asked, giving the usually fiery girl a small smile. Phoenix snorted at his question, looking at him with a blank expression. "Do you really think I'd be okay?" She responded before walking to the fridge and opening it, looking for a drink.

"I was just trying to be kind." Brook mumbled as he went back to making food. Phoenix rolled her eyes, getting an energy drink before slamming the fridge shut. "Well fuck off." She snapped before walking over to the couch where the others were sitting.

"You need to stop being so angry, Brook didn't do anything." Blake muttered from where he was sat on his phone. "You can fuck off aswell I don't give a shit about what you have to say to me!" Phoenix yelled as she dropped onto the couch and cracked her can.

Dawn gave her a sympathetic look. "I know it's hard, Phoenix. We all miss her." Phoenix looked at her, a surprised expression on her face as she tried to hold back her tears. "I don't want reminding.." It was like Dawn was reading her mind and she didn't want anyone to see her breakdown again like they did the day Robin actually died.

Although it was never mentioned before the incident, they weren't entirely oblivious to the way Phoenix felt about Robin. It was obvious with the way they acted that they were both in love. Robin's death hurt all of them, but their pain could never amount to the pain Phoenix was dealing with.

"We're here for you." Dawn placed her hand on Phoenix's shoulder and gave her a small, kind smile. Phoenix looked at her, biting her lip to suppress the tears. "I wish she was still her." She whispered to her. Dawn's smile faded. "I know. It's gonna be okay." She responded, giving Phoenix a pat on her shoulder before moving her hand away. Phoenix just stayed silent as she stared at the drink in her hand, her mind wandering elsewhere.


Phoenix walked, she didn't know where she was going, she just needed to get away. She was so done with everything. She loved Robin, yet Robin died and it was all her fault. If only she had done something.

Her arms stung but she didn't care, she deserved the pain she was feeling. She stared down at her phone, a picture of her and Robin plastered on the screen. They had fell asleep next to each other by accident, Phoenix's arm around Robin's waist. Ash had taken the picture on his phone and Phoenix's sneakily.

A few teardrops dropped onto the screen as she put the phone back into her pocket and jumped up onto a brick wall. She sat down, her legs dangling over the ledge. She looked over it, it was a tall drop into a body of water. Phoenix hadn't even realized that it was a bridge wall that she was sat on, but she didn't care either.

She looked out, taking in the view as she remembered the day Robin died. They had been in the middle of fighting the dark force. Something had caused rubble and debris to drop from the ceiling and as Robin was fighting she had gotten stuck under a pile. Phoenix could still hear the screams.

"ROBIN LOOK OUT!" she had screamed in that moment. She could remember the feeling as her knees hit the floor as she grabbed onto Robin, desperately trying to free her body. The feeling of blood and tears soaking her clothes. Robin had looked up at her, sobbing and pleading, begging Phoenix to tell her she was going to be alright.

Phoenix didn't even bother trying to stop the tears anymore, she knew it was no use. Before Robin had lost consciousness, she had grabbed onto Phoenix's hand whilst her other hand rested on her face. She raised a hand to her cheek as she remembered the day before letting out a massive sigh. "For fucks sake, why couldn't I have just told her how I felt sooner?.. or had done something more that day.." She muttered to herself as she stared at her phone again.

Suddenly, she got an idea. She opened up the groupchat with the others.

Phoenix: guys?

Blake: Phoenix? Where are you?

Misty: Everything okay?

Brook: Yeah, you need us to come meet you somewhere?

Phoenix: Thank you for trying to stay by me and help me after Robin's death. I know I don't show it often, but I do care about you guys.

Brook: Huh? Where is this coming from??

Brook: Phoenix, where the actual fuck are you.

Phoenix: Don't worry Ash I'm fine.

Brook: Yeah no fuck off otherwise you would've been cussing us out and everything. So tell me where the actual fuck you are.

Dawn: Please tell us where you are.

Phoenix: I'll be fine. Thanks for caring.

Brook: Don't you dare do anything I'm coming to your fucking location right now Phoenix.

Misty: Please stay where you are. We're tracking your phone.

Ash:     Phoenix??
             Please answer us.
             Answer us right fucking now.           
             Phoenix this ain't funny!

Phoenix left her phone on the wall as she stood up, looking down at the water and sighing. "I'm sorry for doing this." She mumbled, as if the others could hear her. She smiled as she looked up at the sky and turned her body around. She took a step backwards, letting her body fall.

As she began to fall she could hear screaming. Was that… Ash? Dawn? Were all of them here? She had a smile on her face as she felt the tears coming from her eyes as she fell.

Then she couldn't remember anything as she heard the splash off the cold cold water below her. Her body sunk, blood coating the water red around her from impact.


I hope you enjoyed this even tho it's a little weird. Also if ur confused Phoenix was having a nightmare at the start.

Remember u can request on this chapter too:3

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