Strange Behaviour(FLUFF)

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Before we begin please remember that not all of them are connected unless I say so.


Phoenix grunted as she walked into the kitchen, holding onto her head with her left hand. "What's got you so angry?" Ash questioned from where he was making a cup of tea. "1. Piss off and 2. I have a killer headache." Phoenix retorted as she walked by him to the fridge, making sure to give him a nudge on the way.

"Take a chill pill fucking hell it's like 9am" Brook spoke as he looked at something on his phone. Phoenix just rolled her eyes as she grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. "Well, if you're in pain why not take some medicine?" Robin asked, looking over at the Black haired female.

Phoenix huffed at her, but didn't say anything. This was unusual for her because normally they were always arguing. Instead, she took Robin's adviced and got some pills, taking them with a swag off her drink before storming back to her room.

"Hey, she didn't yell at you. How did you get away with that, that's so unfair!" Ash whined. Robin had a confused look on her face as well. "I actually don't know.. I was expecting her to just yell at me too." She responded. "She's acting kinda weird to be honest." Misty stated, looking over at Robin.

"She's probably on her period. They do that shit to you girls don't they?" Brook retorted as he rolled his eyes and leaned backwards into the couch. This earned him a smack on the back of the head from Misty. "Are you calling us moody?!" Her and Brook started playfully arguing as Robin sighed.

"I'm gonna go check on her, I'll be back." She mentioned as she walked out of the room. Blake sighed, "Are you guys seriously that stupid?" This made everyone look at him, proving his point with the confused expressions on their faces. "Phoenix is in love with Robin for fucks sake." He huffed as he went back to what he was doing leaving them all in a state of shock.

Robin knocked on Phoenix's door. Shuffling could be heard from inside before Phoenix opened the door. "What the fuck do you want" although she said it as if she was angry, she didn't sound it.

"I came to check on you. Everything alright?" Robin responded, giving her a small smile as she rubbed the back off her neck. Phoenix looked away, trying to hide the slight blush on her face. "Yeah.. I'm fine." She mumbled.

"Are you sure? You're acting kinda off." Robin tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "Just go away!" Phoenix snapped as her face went redder and she went to slam the door shut, but Robin put her foot in the way off it.

She pushed her way inside before shutting the door behind her and folding her arms. "Well, what's up?" She asked, giving Phoenix a stern but concerned loom. Phoenix stayed silent as she turned away from her.

"Talk to me, please." Robin's voice was softed this time as she grabbed hold of Phoenix's hand, turning her around so they were face to face. To Robin's surprise, Phoenix didn't try to move away from her, instead she just sighed. "How the fuck do I say this without sounding like a complete idiot.." she mumbled under her breath. "Say what?" Robin raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, don't get mad at me." Phoenix huffed out as she poked Robin's cheek. She let out a small laugh as a slight blush appeared on her face. "I won't don't worry. I'm listening." Robin replied, a smile on her face as she watched the girl in front of her.

Phoenix moved her hand away from Robin's, which slightly upset her because she didn't want her to move from that position. That feeling quickly disappeared when Phoenix rested both her hands on either side of Robin's face, causing them to be staring directly at each other.

Suddenly, Robin felt a pair of lips against hers. she froze at the sudden feeling. Phoenix was about to pull away when Robin pulled her back in, wrapping her arms around Phoenix's neck. They kissed for a few seconds before pulling away. Phoenix stared at Robin's eyes meanwhile her eyes were gazing at Phoenix's lips(hah gay)

"I love you, okay?! I don't understand why or how but you're making me feel like this weird fucking way!" Phoenix huffed out at her. Robin chuckled at her, kissing her on her cheek. "I love you too, idiot."

"So uhm, are we dating then?.." Phoenix had lost all confidence at Robin's sudden movement. Robin nodded before kissing Phoenix again, who kissed her back happily. They pulled away after a few seconds until Phoenix pulled her in for a hug, to which Robin happily hugged her back.


I hope this wasnt too bad to read or cringey😭

Requests still open!!

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