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Another update because I managed to finish this one(this one was already nearly finished)

Btw I don't really proof read these so sorry if they sound weird or don't make sense...

Also TW because I'm talking about burns and scars, etc


With all of the pros that came with being the fire element holder, there also came some cons. Phoenix hated this fact. It made her sometimes hate her powers.

Although she always acted powerful and like she was the best, she also hated most things that came with the element. Nobody else knew this though, well at least to Phoenix they didn't. Even if they did, they never mentioned anything to her.

Today was one of those less fortunate days. School was being really stressful and the people were annoying her, so she decided to do one of the only things that calmed her down. Training.

She had been training for 10 minutes when she suddenly felt a stinging pain up her arm. Phoenix's eyes widened as she stopped using her fire and stared at her arm. Fuck. She had accidentally caught an old burn scar, cuaisng it to swell up and hurt like fucking hell.

"For fucks sakes.." Phoenix winced, holding her hand over the new yet old wound. She hurried over to her locker in the changing room and begun to search for the first aid kit.

She was praying nobody would come in, both because she was in so much pain and also because she didn't want anyone to see her crying and so vulnerable.

She had her back against the stone wall, it's coldness soothing against her back as she tried to put the burn under a bucket cold water. Suddenly, there was a noise from the other side of the room.

The door swung open, a white haired female with piercing icy blue coloured eyes came storming in, Robin Frost, the new student. She seemed to be angry and muttering something under her breath. That's when she noticed Phoenix and froze up. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realise someone would be in here!" The female exhailed.

Phoenix huffed out, trying to think of a response but before she could, Robin was on her knees in front of her. Phoenix pulled back, just to hit her head off the wall. She hissed, raising a hand to rub the back off her head. "I'm sorry! Did I startle you?! What happened to your arm?" Robin begun to ramble when Phoenix put her hand over her mouth.

"Be fucking quiet you dork!" Phoenix spat. "And it's just an old burn on my arm which is being fucking annoying. Why does it matter to you?" Robin grabbed hold of her hand, making Phoenix tense up. Her hand was so soft compared to hers.

"Can I take a look at it? I want to help you.. you look like your in a lot of pain.." Robin mumbled as she looked down at Phoenix's arm. Phoenix's face went bright red as she looked away from the girl that was awfully close to her right now.

"Just.. hurry the fuck up.... or.. whatever..." She grumbled under her breath as she raised her free hand to attempt to cover her face so that Robin couldn't tell she was blushing.

A few minutes passed by, full of Phoenic wincing in pain and Robin repeatedly apologising over and over whenever Phoenix would grunt.

"Does that feel any better?" Robin asked the fiery girl, her head tilted to the right slightly. Phoenix just huffed in response. "I'm sorry if I hurt you at all. I just wanted to help you because you looked like you were in a lot of pain and honestly I don't even know if helping you was right because I barely even know who yo-"

Phoenix put her hand over Robin's mouth, her face slightly red. "Thank you.." She muttered before standing up and holding out a hand in front of Robin. Robin took the hand and Phoenix helped her stand up before beginning to walk off.

"Does that mean we're friends?" Robin called out to Phoenix who grunted in return. "Whatever helps you sleep at night Princess!" Phoenix retorted, rolling her eyes even though Robin couldn't see.

Robin's face flushed at the sudden use of a nickname as a smile was plastered across her face. She watched as Phoenix walked away, leaving her in the room by herself.

Phoenix huffed, not realising that she had a small smile on her face as she walked off, thinking about the fact Robin still helped her despite the fact she wasn't being that nice to her.


Yippee that only took me like 2 or 3 days of actually writing it to finish it. I don't know why I didn't finish it quicker, I think I was just wayyy too focused on the other chapter which has over 1k words at the moment.

Hopefully ppl who have read this won't mind the next chapter I'm hoping to release...(If you have a problem with it I'm sorry but not really because you can just skip it and ignore it if it's that much of a big deal and I DO put what categories chapters are soooo..)


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