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Tbf I dont know if this is gunna turn into angst or fluff. Probs both

Yea its a little bit of angst, more so fluff.

-pushing boundaries
-described fighting
-guy being creepy/shitty

Sorry if this makes u slughtly uncomfortable:')


Surprisingly, they had managed to agree to a double date. Mainly because Ash and Robin had convinced their partners by a lot of consistent begging and annoying.

Ash and Brook were just walking ahead with Robin, chatting about random things that came to mind. Phoenix had let them go ahead whilst she went to get them all some drinks.

"I can't believe th-" Ash's voice was cut off as he collided into someone, falling backwards before being caught by Brook who helped him to his feet.

"Shit man! I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Ash held out a hand for the male that was on the floor infront of him to take.

He took it and stood up, brushing himself off before his eyes widened. "ROBIN??" he shouted, his mouth agape in surprise.

Robin felt her body tense up at the sight of the male as she took in his features and recalled who he was. Brook looked at her, confusion on his face. "Erm, do you know him?"

Robin shook her head as she let out a small sigh. "Yeah, I do. This is Noah. My ex boyfriend." She explained to the very confused boys who were stood beside her.

"Ex?" Ash's head turned to face back to the raven haired boy who stood there awkwardly with a guilty look on his face.

"Look, I'm sorry about that okay? But it was like.... 3 years ago now! Besides, I was hoping I could find you someday." He blurted out, making gestures wildly with his hands as he spoke.

"No. Whatever you have to say, it's gonna be a no. And I don't forgive you, to be quite straightforward with you, Noah." Robin folded her arms as she stared at him.

"I still love you, I regret getting with Heather really really badly! I'm sorry, please can we try again??" Noah exclaimed.

Ash and Brook froze as they stared at each other, then at Robin who looked taken aback by Noah's sudden approach.


"Why not?! Please! Let me be your boyfriend!" He seemed slightly desperate to be with Robin, but why?

"She said no man, so can't you back off?" Ash spoke up, taking a slight step forwards.

"And who are you? Her new boyfriend?" Noah raised an eyebrow.

Brook tried not to burst out laughing as Robin and Ash gave each other a look of disgust.

"1. She's my bestfriend and 2. HE'S my boyfriend, I'm gay." Ash stated, pointing towards Brook as he said his second point.

"That means you can get with me then! Please, just one more chance I swear I'll be the best boyfriend ever!" Noah begged as he placed all of his attention back to Robin, not noticing the girl approaching behind them.

"Excuse me?" Noah froze as a girl just taller than Robin stepped besides Robin, her eyebrow raised as a look of shock was on her face.

Robin turned away from Phoenix, trying to hide the fact she was growing slightly uncomfortable with Noah not taking the hint.

"This dickhead here is Robin's ex boyfriend." Brook explained, pointing towards the confused male.

Phoenix's face expression changed, now glaring at Noah who took a step backwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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