Sibling Rivalry(FLUFF)

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Basically Brook and Phoenix arguing like siblings which leads to them getting hurt and Ash and Robin have to deal with their idiots afterwards

Idk what this is, I might write some smut cuz im tempted to. Enjoy anyhow!


Things were going normally, the group had decided to go out on a roadtrip, since Misty and Ash had been complaining of being bored for an hour straight.

Robin scrolled on her phone, humming a tone whilst still keeping an eye on her friends. Especially Brook and Phoenix. They had been arguing for the past 20 minutes about something or other, if you didn't know them you would either think they were petty siblings or people who needed help and were going mental.

Suddenly, a loud crash could be heard. "FUCK" Brook screamed, this got everyone's attention as Robin looked up from her phone quickly. Brook and Phoenix were now plummeting down to a body of water. The water boy screaming out of fear, the fiery girl screaming out of annoyance.

"BROOK, PHOENIX! YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!" Blake screamed at them as he ran over to look down to where they were falling. "OH FOR FUCKS SAKES!" Ash whined rather loudly as he stormed over to where Blake was.

He quickly used his powers, creating a massive barrier of roots which Brook and Phoenix landed in harshly. Robin, worried about her friend and girlfriend, found the safest way to get down to them and immediately started questioning them.

"We're fine, don't worry Robin! I just have a few scrapes from the fall." Brook responded, scratching the back of his neck with a dorky smile. "YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT!" Ash yelled down to the blue haired boy, who looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah, but I'm yours!" He responded, as to which made Ash's face go bright red as he rolled his eyes.

"I'd be better if THIS IDIOT COULD GET OFF MY FUCKING LEG!" Phoenix huffed out in pain. Brook quickly got up, running off. "not dying today! Nope nope nope! DEAL WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND ALONE" Brook cried out as he ran.

Robin let out a massive sigh before turning back to her girlfriend who was still laid down. "You okay? Are you hurt anywhere? I want to help you anyway I can" She blurted out, a concerned look plastered across her face.

Phoenix stiffled a chuckle as she looked up at her white haired girlfriend. "I'm fine, really love. I just hurt my leg mainly from when Brook landed on it." She responded, her hand intertwining with Robin's.

"Let me take a look at it, I need to make sure it isn't broken" Robin replied, moving down to Phoenix's injured leg and examining it the best she could with no medical equipment.

"It's not broken, I'm sure. Just bruised probably. You're so cute when you're worrying about me.." Phoenix had mumbled the last part, not realising that Robin had heard her until she looked up with a bright red face.

"Did... Did you just call me cute?"

Now Phoenix was the one to turn red. "Fuck.. you weren't supposed to hear that.."

Robin moved over to her, wrapping her arms around the slightly taller girl. "Come on, let's go get you sorted, you big dummy." Her voice was muddled since her face was in the crook of Phoenix's neck.

Phoenix smiled down at her girlfriend, returning the hug. "I'm fine, don't worry."

"I love you.."

"...I love you too<3"




Also requests still open..

Pls request stuff:>

Anything I'll write as long as it isnt weird



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