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I can finally post this oh my god

Hopefully the pacing isnt THAT bad.

Bc of the vision I had like 2 weeks ago which I constantly think abt tbf

If this makes u feel uncomfortable then:
1. Im sorry
2. Pls js skip it
3. I wrote this for a few ppls entertainment and for my own bc I need more content on them

Also this isnt entirely proof read rn.


The white haired female walked into her girlfriend's room quietly, shutting the door softly as she entered. "What's up?" She whispered as she walked over to where her girlfriend was pacing back and forth.

"I just- I can't believe I've been such an asshole. Whilst we were in danger, all I did was yell at you and the others and argue. I caused more stress when we were already under enough. And all for what?" Phoenix, her girlfriend, muttered as she played with the ring on her middle finger.

"Hey, it's not your fault. You had a lot going on and you didn't trust everyone else. Besides, you helped us a lot and you've fought as much as the rest of us have. It's over now and we've made it out okay." Robin gave her a small smile as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

"But, what if-" Phoenix tried to speak before being cut off.

"But that didn't happen. And I'm here now, so whatever happened before just know that's in tha past and you're not alone now." Robin moved to be holding both of Phoenix's hands in her own whilst looking up at the slightly taller girl and smiling.

Phoenix's went red as she leaned down to give her girlfriend a kiss, who happily kissed her back. Robin moved her hands to snake around Phoenix's neck as Phoenix wrapped hers around Robin's waist.

Phoenix broke the kiss off as she moved over to her bed, pinning Robin down on it before pulling her in for another kiss. Robin kissed back for a few seconds before rolling them over so she was on top. "Hey, I have something I want to do. But if you're not comfortable with it it's completely fine." Robin mumbled as she stared down at Phoenix's lips.

Phoenix raised an eyebrow. "What is it, princess?" Robin blushed at the nickname before sighing. "Can we uhm.." her voice trailed off. "You wanna try doing something more with me? Like next level?" Phoenix questioned, as if she were able to read her girlfriend's mind.

Robin's face went bright red as she hid her face into the crook of Phoenix's neck. "Yes.." she mumbled, her voice barely audible from it being muffled by Phoenix's neck.

Phoenix moved so she was staring face to face with the shorter girl. "Of course I'll do it, but only if you're sure you want to." She admitted, her face completely serious. Robin only nodded in response before Phoenix pulled her into another kiss.

They continued to kiss for a few minutes before Robin pulled away and moved to Phoenix's neck, sucking and biting down all over as she planted kisses from her jawline to her collarbone.

Robin's movements were enough to make Phoenix let out small groans as the white haired girl continued to leave marks all over. Whilst kissing her neck, Robin's hand slowly moved down.

Suddenly, she stopped and sat up earning a small pout from Phoenix. That was before Robin begun to tug on her jumper. "Take it off." She demanded. Phoenix's face turned red as she listened and took off her jumper(HOTHOTHOTHOTHOT RAGHHHHH)

Robin removed her shirt as well before going back to kissing all over Phoenix's neck, still making the taller girl groan underneath her. Her kisses trailed down her body slowly making their way to her chest before she stopped and moved again. Her hands reached up as she played with the straps on Phoenix's sports bra.

PHOBIN ONESHOTSSSS 🫶🫶 || The Element ProtectorsWhere stories live. Discover now