A Final Exercise

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The girls had returned to the dorms about an hour after the boys. "We're back guys! We're just in time for-! What's going on?" Hagakure asked as the girls saw Midoriya, Ida, Bakugo, and Todoroki around Tokoyami as he was holding his head in his hands and breathing heavily.

"We don't know but he's been like this since we left the school." Midoriya said with a worried tone in his voice.

"He calmed down for a little bit shortly after we came back but he just started up again a minute ago. I think Takami is the only one that can calm him down when he's like this, or so what Dark Shadow said." Todoroki said.

"So where's Bird Boy's goddamn light?!" Bakugo asked.

"He's having a panic attack. He's never had one before now. What was he doing when the signs first began to show?" Reika walks up to Tokoyami and gently places her hands over his. "Fumi? It's okay. It's Reika, your sister. I'm here now, everything's gonna be alright." She uses her thumbs to wipe his forming tears.

"He was mumbling to himself quite a lot and he made a couple attempts to walk back to the school but then turned around, as if he was arguing with himself. Dark Shadow said it was because of some dream he keeps having about you and that he hasn't slept in a couple days because of it." Ida explained.

"Of course it would be about her, he's so terrified that she'll disappear on him and not come back." Asui said.

"Could it be possible that he has PTSD and didn't tell anyone about it? Midoriya asked.

"No doubt." Asui said.

It took her a while but with the right questions of the five senses, Reika was able to calm him down. She smiles at him. "There you are." She said in a sweet tone. Tears formed in his eyes as he hugged her tightly. Once he calmed down enough, everyone headed into the Kitchen to help cook dinner. Afterwards, Yayorouzu called for a girls meeting in the living room after curfew hours.

Tokoyami fell asleep shortly after dinner, leaning his head on Reika's shoulder. She smiled and adjusted herself to where she was sitting in one corner of the couch and gently laid his head on her lap. "That should be more comfortable for him." She said.

The girls awed as he slept soundly on her lap. "Out like a light." Asui said as she smiled.

"Does that mean that he won't hear what we'll be talking about?" Yayorouzu asked.

"As long as he knows I'm close to him, he won't wake up anytime soon." Reika said as she put a blanket over him. She placed her hand on his back and slowly but gently patted it.

"Alright then, I guess we'll start. You all know what Miss Midnight said, right?" She asked. The other girls nodded. "After witnessing Tokoyami's panic attack earlier, it's come to my attention that he and Reika should not participate in the exercise. I believe that Miss Midnight and Mr Aizawa should find something else for them to do during the exercise. If the two of them participate, he may have another, even bigger panic attack than earlier. Who knows what he'll do if that happens."

"I agree. If he had a bigger panic attack than the first one. He may end up fighting friend and foe alike trying to find me, just like he does when Shadow goes out of control." Reika said as she looked at Tokoyami's sleeping form.

"With the way he guards you like you're his treasure, there's no way he would let anyone take you away from his side." Hagakure said.

"He's just doing what any big brother would normally do since mine is busy being the number two hero. Although he does need to dial it back a bit. He knows that I can take care of myself in fights." She said as she gently rubbed his back.

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