Accepting Fate and Nomu Attack

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While Hawks, Rhyan, and Tokoyami were gone, Uraraka, Yayorouzu, Todoroki, and Midoriya, were getting things ready in the twins' rooms. The girls were painting Rhyley's room while the boys were getting the furniture together in Rhyan's room. "So, do you remember anything about what happened when you were rescued? I heard from Mrs. Tokoyami that it was possible that you blocked those memories due to your trauma." Uraraka asked as she painted.

"O-OCHACO! DON'T ASK HER THAT!" Yayorouzu yelled.

"It's alright Momo. I remember that Dabi was with them, but he was the one who caused my suffering for the last two months. I don't understand. Why would he help Fumi and Keigo rescue me, yet disguise himself like he's working with the HPSC?" Reika explained.

"That's because Hawks specifically asked for his help. Said that he owed him or something. Tokoyami was against it from the very beginning, but he told him that he would keep him in line. They needed someone that would gain the committee's trust and go undercover. Someone that was a villain that would show the true nature of the committee to the world. Since he told the world Hawks' secret about his past, He was perfect for the job. Tokoyami asked for our help about a week before we rescued you. It was all of us that thought of the plan for the mission." Todoroki explained as he entered the room holding the directions to a bed frame.

"How did they learn three new abilities in two months?" She asked as she turned to him.

Todoroki smiled at her. "Through sheer determination and going above and beyond. He called his 'Abyssal Armor' his ultimate power or his 'Plus Ultra'. You were all he thought about throughout his whole training with Hawks. He was determined to save you no matter the cost." He said.

"Ever since he found you I've noticed that he's been in better spirits and has been talking to us more, little by little each day. I knew something good had entered his life by the way he would talk about you to all of us. And when you joined the class I knew how happy he looked when Mr. Aizawa introduced you to the class. He may not have realized it back then, but I knew that he loved you. He told me the day of the school festival that he was going to play his heart out so that you would be able to hear him from wherever you were working." Koda said from behind Todoroki.

"R-Really? He talked about me? This is the first I'm hearing about this." She asked as her eyes widened.

"But the sneaky bird didn't tell us that you were enrolling into our class." Todoroki said.

"He likes to keep some things to himself if he can help it." She said.

"I meant to ask. How was Tokoyami during the whole rescue mission?" Koda asked.

"He acted surprisingly calm but I think that was just a bluff to hide the fact that his brain was going a million miles a minute. But when we saw how she looked, he might have lost all control if Hawks wasn't already arguing with Dabi." Todoroki said.

"I think what he said to Mera was telling us that he was about to lose control, but hearing your voice calmed him down." Midoriya said.

"What do you mean Midoriya?" Uraraka asked.

Midoriya got into the position that Tokoyami took during the rescue mission. "He said something along the lines of; 'You have defiled her beauty with marks and burns on her soft skin that will never completely heal, you have sucked the life out of her eyes, she's so malnourished that she's just as light as her feathers. Not only that but you have clipped her wings so that she can't fly. So no matter what it takes, we will bring her home. Where she belongs.' Or something like that." Midoriya impersonated. Koda and the girls clapped.

"That wasn't along the lines, Midoriya. That was To a T. How did you remember all that?" Todoroki asked. Midoriya just shrugged.

"I do remember him saying that. I also remember that he called Shadow his little brother and not by his name. I remember feeling sick to my stomach and my head was hurting so much." She explained.

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