The Summer Festival

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It had been a few days since Axelander met Class A. Tomorrow was supposed to be the day that Keralynn was to return home to America with Axelander, but fate has something else planned for her and Reika. On this day, a festival was being set up at a nearby shrine from UA High. Hawks and his sidekicks were making their rounds when he saw the volunteers setting up for the festival as he flew over the shrine. Watching them set up, gave him an idea. A couple hours later, the mail was received at the dorms for Class 1-A. Most of the students received letters from their loved ones, Sato had gotten a couple new recipe books of meals and desserts from different countries from his mother, Koda had received a gift or two along with letters from his mother, Tokoyami had received a package with a letter from his parents, yet he had also received a letter from Hawks. "He could have just sent me a text." He told himself.

The package he had received from his parents were some old home movies that his father had made and some old drawings Reika had drawn when they were children and a letter from his mother, telling him about where and how his father had found the home movies. She also told him to show them to Reika when they have a movie date. He places the package on his bedside before he opens the letter from Hawks. "Heyooo! So, I was making my rounds on patrol when I was flying over the shrine nearby UA. They were setting up for a summer festival. I asked one of the shrine maidens when the festival is and she said tomorrow, the day Mayson was supposed to go back to America. I figured that, what better way for Mayson to get her mind off of everything that's happened than to give her and Reika a chance to see what a festival is like in Japan. I have already made the necessary arrangements with Nezu and Aizawa and they have given you and Koda permission to leave school grounds for a few hours. Of course Axel and I will be there to supervise but we'll leave you alone so that the two of you can have a double date. I'll be sure to get the girls all dressed up nice and pretty so the two of you can drool over them." Was what part of the letter said. He blushes slightly.

"As if we would drool. Neither of us are not that childish......Reika is beautiful no matter what she wears." He said quietly to himself before he read more of the letter.

"I've been noticing that Mayson has been on edge since she came home. Reika's been doing everything she can to calm her down and it seems to be working. Axelander says that she's worried that she can't be home for her father's funeral, so we're hoping that this double date Idea might cheer her up a little. Her father's funeral is set to be the day after tomorrow but because of how much farther ahead we are with the timezones, It'll be late at night for us when the funeral starts. Axelander has requested a young family member that hasn't been exposed to any sort of criminal activity, to attend the funeral alongside her mother with a tablet so that they can watch the funeral from the mansion via live chat. Whoops! Gotta get back to work. Be sure to let Koda know about the festival!" The rest of the letter explained.

He sighed. "Will this double date really cheer her up though?" He asks himself in a worried tone.

An hour later Tokoyami was talking to Koda in the common area, discussing the plans for tomorrow's date. Koda had no knowledge about Keralynn feeling homesick. They had been sending each other texts and calling each other twice a day to say 'Good morning' and 'Goodnight.' He was also thinking of a way to confess his love for Keralynn and that a date at the festival might be a good place to tell her. "I just realized something, Tokoyami. I know that you and Takami are already together as a couple, but you still haven't told her you love her yet." He said.

He looks at him and smiles, thinking about the home movies his mother sent him. "I have my own way of professing my feelings towards Reika." He said.

"He's gonna show her a home movie of the rap he made about her when he was four." Dark Shadow said as he appeared beside him, chuckling. Tokoyami blushed as he placed his hand over Dark Shadow's beak.

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