Chapter 11

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Manik's pov

My workout usually lasts about an hour and some time, longer if I am angry and need to displace some energy elsewhere but usually an hour. The entirety of my workout today I listen and watched a show that Nandini was watching instead of listening to music

After my cardio, I did some weights and stretching before I chugged some water because of how much I sweated.

"Nandini I am done, do you want get on the treadmill now?" I ask her but I don't get any reply

"Nandini" I call again but she doesn't move an inch

I walk from behind her to in front of her and find the cutest little sight, she fell a sleep. The remote of the tv in her left hand, her right hadn't to her chest, her eyes close and her lips slightly parted

I couldn't help but smile at how quickly she fell a sleep here, I mean this room is very cold most of the time but today I changed the temperature because I know she likes it warm

"Hey wake up" I whisper leaning closer but instead of waking up she turns grabbing my arm in her sleep

Seeing no other option and not wanting to wake her up, I place my towel down and pick her up, she does stir a little when the remote falls on the floor from her hand but doesn't wake up

"Why are you carrying her, is she okay?" Mumma asks seeing us

"She is a sleep, I thought she'd focus too much on the pain so I took her to the gym, fo course she just falls a sleep instead of working out"

'She doesn't need to workout, she is barely the weight she needs to be" she mumbles stepping closer

"What are you doing ma?" I ask

She smiles kissing Nandini's head making her curl into my chest more

"She is so sweet, i really wonder if my wish will come true" she mumbles eyeing me

"Ma not again, I am not doing this with you" I mumble being annoyed

She is constantly on my ass about this whole wish thing, every single day she will come to my room and be like 'manuuu my wish, I am growing old', like no mother I cannot make that true ever

"But its my wish, she is so gorgeous and perfect"

"Shh maaa if she wakes up she will ask questions"

"Good, maybe she will make it happen because you clearly cannot" she taunts

I roll my eyes at her words walking upstairs

"Her room is being redecorated so lay her down in yours"

"You are doing this purposely, I know you are" I mumble back

"Maybe I am because she won't need that room in the future"

"Mumma bas na"

"Tu chup kar" she scolds making me sigh

Walking up to my room, I place Nandini on the bed covering her with blankets, she immediately turns holding onto the edge of the blanket while I hopped in the shower

It is a little weird that I let her in my room because there are three places in this house that I usually do not let people into, my room, my music room and the gym. So far she has been in my room and the gym which is something I guess

I am not sure why I am lenient with Nandini, but a possibility can be because Nandini is the happiness of this family. She makes mumma and papa feel like the world doesn't exit and cabir, he already loves her

My thoughts are always about music or my family but I guess Nandini has made her way into my family as well.

Seeing Nandini still a sleep after I came out of the bathroom, I grab my laptop and sit beside her on the bed working on some research for an English project.

"Oh my word, is she a sleep?" Cabir's voice makes me look up from my laptop

"She is" I reply looking beside me

She sleeps like a child, the blanket pulled all the way up to her chin, her fists holding the blanket, her little lips in a pout, and her forehead clear of any frowns

"Did she cry a lot?" He asks sitting in front of me

"She did, she was sobbing sitting in the gym and her fingers like I told you are a bit tender, they hurt"

"I hate that riya, a guitar shouldn't even hurt to play"

"She switched the strings and obviously your nandu was dumb enough to not pay attention" I tell him

'She isn't dumb, she is optimistic and sweet. Manik, out of all of us, she is the one who has the least but she is happier than any of us"

he is absolutely correct, Nandini is a girl who finds happiness in everything and anything, whiter it's something small like a ball of cookie dough or something big like flowers because yes flowers to her are huge deal.

There was this one time where Nandini was learning to cook because chacha chachi were away for a few days so the first thing she tried cooking was her favourite panner and lets just say it turned out horrible because the girl couldn't tell a difference between sugar and salt

"You know manik, she is the cutest bundle of joy I have ever met and it makes me sad when I think about her having to stay in that room of hers back at her house" I frown hearing him

"What do you mean?" I ask

"You haven't been in her room, have you?"

"Nope, I have been in veebha's room and the living room, mhm actually the kitchen cause this one right here wasn't able to grab a box from the top of the cabinets" I say pointing at Nandini

"She lives in this tiny little room which I mean it's cute cause she has made it cute but it's so tiny manik, she doesn't have a closet, instead she has a suitcase with her clothes. Her books sit on the edge of her room staked up on top of each other, she doesn't even have a private bathroom, she uses the one downstairs" he explains

He then goes on to describe more of her room, making my frowns deeper as this information sets into my head. How the fuck have I not ever seen her room or noticed that she doesn't live in a space like this, I have always jsut assumed her room is exactly like veebha's

"How come she has never mentioned it?" I ask cabir

"She finds happiness in everything manik so she adores her room but if you were to walk into her room, you'd know what I am talking about. I mean she is 18, she needs a bigger space"

"I thought her room would be an exact replica of veebha's, maybe a tad bit different but not entirely different"

"It's a huge difference"

"How is she always happy?" I mumble

I wasn't really asking him, it was more of a statement

"Because she knows if she is sad then no one will try and make her happy"

"Why? Doesn't she have chacha chachi?"

"Yeah but they usually leave a lot like mum and dad so it's just her and veebha"

That makes sense because she is usually telling cabir that she is alone at home or whatever

"That is so weird because this girl never complains" I mumble

nandini stirs beside me turning a little towards me making me smile

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