Chapter 19

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I have never understood exactly what love is and I still don't but what I know and the definition I know of love, for me that is Manik. He has always been the person who makes me feel lighter, I know it sounds weird but it's true

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to be Manik's but now that I am, it feels surreal. Manik had always been that person who I wanted but could never have and now I have him

My heart feels full, absolutely full to the brim, It's so nice. It's so calming to be sitting beside him and not have to stop my heart from feeling things for him because he isn't anyone else's now, he is mine.

It's been a good 3 weeks since Manik asked me to be his, the best 3 weeks actually, the most calming and most beautiful 3 weeks. Him and I have been going to college together, we get coffee and he will even let me in his room to watch tv

My phone rings in my bag making me jump because I was sitting in the library and I am probably getting a shit ton of dirty looks but hey it's not my fault

"Hello" I mumble grabbing my bag and books

"Why are you whispering firefly?"

I immediately grin hearing his voice, I love how deep and husky yet calming it is

"I am in the library, give me a second" I whisper

"Why are you there nerd?"

"To study, where are you?"

"Just got out of practice, wanna come find me?" He asks in that playful voice

"What if I say no?"  i ask

"Then I'd have to punish you little monster, would you really like that?"

"Depends on what the punishment is and if it involves some ice cream"

"The only way you are having ice cream is if you lick it off my lips, darling. Now get your ass to me"

I gasp hearing him, he has been playful with me but Jesus.

"Helloooo, come fine me in the parking lot, Im right by the car"


"Car, parking lot now"

"Ice cream?"

"Off my lips"


"Then no"

As soon as he cuts the call I start giggling at our conversation, it's actually quite funny, I never thought Manik was that funny

Manik gives off this 'I will kill you if you even look my way' face and then his voice if he is angry gives off 'one more thing and I will rip your tongue out' soooo therefore no one talks to him unless he initiates the conversation which he never does

I make my way to the parking lot but it took me about 20 minutes to try and find Manik's car and the only way I found it was because got out of the car and stood right by it

He has actually taken raj uncle's car today because his is in the shop for some odd reason which is why I couldn't recognize the car

"Hiiii" I greet falling in his arms

"Hi princess, took you long enough" my heart flutters at the nickname

"I couldn't recognize your car" I reply in his chest

"You were in it his morning"

"I was paying attention to the driver not the car itself"

"Did you just call me a driver?" He asks making me giggle

"Noooo" I mumble shaking my head

"Yes you did bad girl"

"Hehe nooooo, maniii did you eat?"

"No, you wanna grab some food before I take you home?"

"I will make something when we go home okay? You have way too much food form outside, this is bad manu"

"Right, I am bad but you ask for ice cream every single day"


he chuckles opening the car door for me, something he does all the time, it's so sweet. Mumbling a soft thank you, I sit in the car buckling up.

"What's that?" I ask seeing a blanket in his backseat

"Nothing, just a blanket"

"Oh I see that but why is it here?"

"Oh just for my other girl" he jokes

"You wanna live happily? Or do you want to be thrown out?"

"You are going to throw me out of my own car?" He asks kind of surprised

"Want me to show you because I can"

he chuckles leaning over and opening the glovebox. He takes a chocolate out, my eyes gleam a little seeing it's that flaky chocolate I love.

"You got me chocolate" I mumble

"No I didn't, well I did get you some but you decided to be a little brat so you don't get any" he says making me frown

I don't think twice before I smack his arm snatching the chocolate

"Nandini, Jesus girl, you are going to get us killed"

"Then we will go to heaven together" I mumble opening the chocolate

"You mean hell?"

"Nah, wherever you go with me, it will be heaven sweetheart" he chuckles hearing me

"Should we invite other girls too?" He asks

"Only if I can invite other dudes"

"Oh fuck that, we are done with this little joke, don't fucking mention other dudes around me"

"Then don't mention other chicks around me"

"Noted" he says gripping the steering wheel

"Can we get some coffee?"

"You have had a couple nandini, it's bad for you"

"But it's so gooooddd" I whine a little

"So is alcohol and cigs but you don't see me smoking and getting drunk"

i roll my eyes at the comparison, it's not true.

Coffee is like cocaine for people who don't do drugs, there are varieties of coffee, there is iced coffee with tons of syrup, then there is hot coffee, and cold brews and hot brews and more.

Then there is alcohol which has a lotto verities too but whats he difference you know, cigs too

"Alcohol and cigs are actually very bad for you" I tell him

"I am aware, but so is coffee"

"How so?" I ask grabbing his hand placing it on mine

"It's dehydrating and for someone who doesn't drink even a bottle of water a day, it can be detrimental" he answers tightening his hold on me


"It's true" he answers


"Fact" he says making me laugh causing him to laugh too

"Nandini don't run around, nandiniii" he screams when I run in the house

"I gotta peee" I scream back

Here is the thing, we actually got some coffee on the way back and there was a shit ton of traffic sooo I had to hold my pee for hours, it was bad.

I heard him mumble something but it went in one ear and out the other very quick.

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