Chapter 12

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Nandini stirs beside me turning a little towards me making me smile

"Oreo" she whispers so softly making cabir chuckle

"What the fuck is with her?"

"She loves Oreos, the other day she woke up mumbling Oreo shake to mumma"

"Of course she did"

"Manu" she whispers probably because she heard my voice

She opens her eyes and smiles cutely looking at me

"You sleep like a bear in hibernation" I mumble

"Hehehe bears are cute so indirectly you are calling me cute, thanks giraffe. I knew you'd fall in love with me" she says

She shoves her head in my stomach wrapping her arm around me as she giggles

"Get away from me"

"You are falling in loveee" she sings

"He is" cabir says making Nandini laugh as she starts nodding

"I told you cabu, giraffe is in love"

"Oh shut, I am not in love and fyi both of you should know I am not going to fall in love, done it once won't do it again" I tell them

"If you think it was love with veebha, you are terrible at distinguishing your feelings, aint that right nandu?" He asks

"Mhm honestly I don't know, I would never judge you for being in love with di, she is gorgeous"

"And has no brains"

"Bad cabir, we don't put anyone down remember" she scolds him making him sigh

"Sweetie, I don't know how to make you realize that your cousin isn't nice, she doesn't give a fuck about anyone but her"

He isn't wrong, ever since her and I broke up, I have realized that all veebha cared about was her and her image, being with me wasn't out of love, it was a publicity thing. When her and I started dating there were tons of rumours and talks all around the college and I think she enjoyed that popularity

"But she is my cousin" Nandini whispers laying her the back of her head on my stomach and looking at cabir

"It's 7 in the evening, you haven't been home since 6 this morning and has veebha texted you even once?" He asks

"No" Nandini whispers avoiding eye contact, something she does when she knows she is wrong

"She won't even care if she didn't see you in days and I know I sound like an ass saying it but you are better off staying here"

"I understand where you are coming from and I know what you are saying is right but that's where I belong cabir, this is all yours and Manu's not mine"

"Oh shut up, thats not true, ma loves you more than she loves us, dad treats you like his daughter, nandini we all love you so much then why are you letting yourself suffer like that?" He asks

At this point I wanted to ask what exactly this situation is, and no I don't mean her equation with veebha, I mean the family dynamics and if she was really not in a good situation

"Aren't you two hungry?" I ask changing the topic



They both mumble at the same time and at the point I knew had changed the topic of this conversation because both chair and nandini are fanatics for food, I mean so am I but the way their focus changes, it's actually mind blowing.

"I think I want pizza" cabir mumble

'Yes, I want too" nandini says licking her lips

"Mumma will kill all three of us" I tell them

Ma loves making food for all of us and so if she has already made food, she will not let us get pizza

"Why will I kill you three? I mean I can kill you and cabir but nandu nope, she is my little kid" Mumma says coming in my room with dad

"They want pizza" I tell mum

"Thats actually great because we wanted to talk to you guys about something"

"I will go" nandini says doing her head from my stomach but cabir pushes her on me laying his head on her lap

"Nandini bacha you are one of us too, there is no need to go anywhere every time we are going to have a family meeting, you are family too so shh"


"Shhh" dad mimics mum's shh making all three of us laugh

"Yeah you laugh now but know I will put spiders in your pillowcases"

"yesss uncle put little insects in his pillow too" she says poking my arm that rested beside her

"Dang that's a good idea" he smiles

"Rajjj shut up, everyone quiet this is a very important discussion" mum says

"Whats going on?" I ask sitting up a little making nandini huff cause her head slides down a little

I shake my head at her huff, she adjusts herself on me again, her head right in the centre of my stomach, cabir adjusts himself too and we all look at mumma and papa

"So your father has recently got an opportunity to partner with another architect for a project"

"Oh my gosh uncle that's amazing" nandini chirps

"Thanks gudiya, but we do have to move all the way to the UK for it"

My heart drops as soon as he says that and I find my hand gripping Nandini's arm for some reason.

"You are moving?" Nandini asks, tears in her eyes

"Shh don't cry" I whisper caressing her arm

"I will be all alone" her statement makes my heart heavy

"I don't want to move, I want to stay here" cabir says

"Thats the thing, we can't force you three to move with us so I am going to stay here with you guys and raj will go to the UK" ma says

"Ma you go with dad, I can take care of these two" I say after thinking

"We can't do that, how will you guys manage everhitng?"  Dad asks

"We will, we have a cook, there is house help so don't worry, go on plus you guys deserve to have time alone"

"Yes go to the UK and make us a baby sister" cabir says earning a slap on his chest by mom

"Sharam ni ati tujhai" mumma mumbles

"Kya karna sharam karkai, we came into this work naked and we go naked"

"Hehehe nakey" nandini giggles

we all started discussing how things would work and cabir and I convinced them finally. I understand their hesitation but I also know that they have worked so hard and this opportunity gives them to live alone too.

Ever since cabir and I, our parents have never took a vacation alone or left for longer than a couple days so I won't let them be apart

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