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Aurelia loved Stiles. More than she thought she could ever possibly love another living thing. And the premise of him being possessed, the only term her brain could comprehend, terrified her greatly.

Which was why she had been tossing and turning all night. Even in her dreams, she was plagued with nightmares about what could happen.

Sitting up straight in her bed, Aurelia had already lit the fire in her palm as the knock at her door sounded. "Lia, you okay?" Roman's voice called out as he gently pushed open the door. Vanishing the flames, she nodded. Not a very convincing one, but a nod all the same. "You want to go, don't you?"

Roman referred to the brief conversation they had the night before. About them returning to Greece for a day. In search for some answers. It was a long shot, but at this point they feared they would need all the help they could get.

"No. Yes." She contradicted. "Maybe?" Dropping her head into her hands, she groaned. "If what Jaiyana said, is true. We are going to need all the help we can get. Going there and speaking to our friends, it might convince them to come and help."

"As if they are going to need convincing, Lee." Roman smiled, moving to sit down next to her. Aurelia budged up to let him sit comfortably and happily accepted the arm that wrapped around her back and squeezed her closer. "All you have to do is say the word, and they will come running. We all would." He smiled, kissing the side of her head.

Roman had no family, but Aurelia was his sister.

There was no question about it. They just worked.

"I think I should. But, I just don't want to leave them. They will think I've ditched them." She panicked.

"Oh, fuck off with that." Aurelia looked up offended. "They will understand whatever you have to do. I can stay here and look out for them. You know I would rather die than let any of them get hurt." Roman assured. "When do you want to leave?"

Lia reached for her phone and unlocked it. Showing the screen to him, watching his face drop in shock. "The cheapest flight leaves in two hours. It can have me back early tomorrow morning." Roman was speechless. That was twenty-six hours of flight over two days. "We are going to need help. If a literal demon is possessing one of our friends, we need someone who can sense dishonesty."

Roman tilted his head. "Ivy."

"Ivy." Lia nodded.

For Ivy was special, Ivy was an Empath. Similar to Phoenix's, they were rare. Only a few on Earth at any given time. Unlike Lia, who was the only one in the world. Ivy's abilities allowed her to detect dishonesty and alter emotions. Which in this case would prove to be extremely helpful. On the combat side of things, she was trained to fight like hell.

Nodding strongly, Roman handed her phone back to her. "Book the flight. I can pay, I have some savings." Roman offered, making to stand up.

Grabbing his arm, Aurelia laughed. Muttering a thank you, but insisting she could pay. "I have some money, left by my mother. It was mine and Isaac's safety net. We both have equal amounts, but I'm in charge of Isaac's. He'd blow it all on a car or something."

Roman casually watched over her shoulder and screeched loudly in her ear when he saw the money. "Since when?"

Sheepishly Aurelia spoke up. "A few weeks ago. I applied for early access to the funds, as well as their inheritance. They allowed it as I'm technically an adult and live alone." She shrugged.

Roman swallowed thickly, not believing she was technically rich. "Booked." Aurelia smiled. "I'm going back to Greece."

Luckily, Aurelia had the spare key to Stiles' Jeep. So whilst Stiles was, somewhat, peacefully sleeping, Aurelia and Roman walked around to his house and 'stole' the car. With Roman returning just before sunrise. It was going to be a long day for Roman, sleep deprived and anxious. A terrible mix.

𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒆𝒕𝒉, 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘬𝘪Where stories live. Discover now