Recollection Banking

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We now go to the Library with the lights on.

Crowley: Just as I'd suspected. Nothing. Not only is your homeland not listed on any map from any point in history. Now, are you QUITE sure that you come from such a place? That wasn't some sort of lie, or jape? Because if so, the only explanation is that you've come from another planet. Or perhaps you were summoned here from another dimension?

Izuku: That would make a lot more sense.

Crowley: Show me everything that you brought here with you.

Izuku empties out his pockets.

Crowley: Hmm, some of this hasn't even been discovered yet, so it seems that you were indeed summoned here from another dimension. Well, this is quite the predicament. I cannot have someone with no aptitude for magic bumbling about my magic academy.
And yet, as an educator, I am loath to expel a young person without a cent to their name, or any ability to contact their guardian... Truly, my grace is boundless.

Izuku: I can try to call my mom, to help reassure her.

Crowley: Excellent, while you do that, I'll try to come up with a plan for you both.

Izuku picks up his phone and calls his mom.

Inko: Izuku, are you okay, Nezu called me and told me you vanished along with Eri.

Izuku: I'm fine Mom, and so is Eri. A strange portal brought us to another world, but we don't know how to get back home.

Inko: Well, I'm glad to hear you're both okay, but where are you?

Izuku: Somewhere called "Twisted Wonderland", in an all-boys school called Night Raven College. The people here also seem to be able to use magic instead of quirks. The Principal, or Headmage as they call him says that he'll try to help us as best he can.

Inko: Okay, I'll talk to Nezu and see if they can help as well, and Izuku, I hope you'll be okay.

Izuku: I will, mom, and I'll call everyone back home just in case.

Inko: Love you, honey.

Izuku: Love you too mom.

Izuku puts his phone away and sees Crowley return.

Crowley: I take it she took the news well?

Izuku: Yeah, she said she'll tell my teachers so they can try and help as well.

Crowley: Good to know, oh by the way. There is a vacant building on this campus. It was, in fact, used as a dorm a long time ago. With a proper cleaning, it should be habitable enough. Out of the profound kindness of my heart, I will allow you to live there for the time being.

Izuku: Thank you very much.

Eri: Thank you Mr. Crowley.

Crowley: In the meantime, we will investigate other ways to send you home. Dear me, but I am a gracious man indeed! A model educator, one might say. Well then, I shall take you to your dorm straight away. It is an older building, but it has plenty of...character, one might say.

They leave the library and head off to the dorm.

And that's all for now, I hope you all enjoyed the story so far, and I'll see you next time.

Izuku and Eri go to Twisted Wonderland Prologue: Welcome to the Villains' worldWhere stories live. Discover now