Frantic Dashing

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We returned to the group just as they stopped to catch a breath after running from the ghosts.

Ace: More ghosts?! They're floating around here too!

Deuce: If we stop to fight, we'll never get anywhere. Let's just keep moving.

Ace: Sure, but don't act like we voted you team leader. The only reason we're here in the first place is because of that stupid stunt you pulled.

Deuce: Oh? I'm pretty sure this all started because you tried to shirk your window-cleaning punishment!

Ace: So, we're bringing up ancient history now? Then if you wanna get down to brass tacks, this all started when furball torched that statue!

Grim: Myah?! Maybe you shouldn'ta made fun of me, then!

Deuce: Guys! We're in real hot water, remember?! If we don't come back with a magestone by morning, we're all being expelled!

Ace: Yeah, which is why we don't need you ordering the rest of us around. It gets old real fast.

Izuku: Guys, quiet... I think I heard a voice just now.

???: ...iiivvv... ...oooouuu...

Deuce, Ace, & Grim: Huh?!

Ace: Wh-where's that comin' from?

???: ...neeevvvaaa... ...iiivvv... ...ooouuu...

Deuce: Sounds like... it's getting closer...

???: Stooonesss... Stooonesss aaare miiiiine!

Deuce Ace, & Grim: Bwah! There it is!

Izuku was shocked at what he and the others were seeing. It was a monstrous creature with a head that appeared to be a glass bottle with a crack in it. Inside the bottle was a black ink-like substance that seemed to leak out. The body of the monster appeared to be made from the same liquid, instead of legs it slinked around like how slimes would in a video game. It wore a brown hat over the top of the bottle and a red outfit with yellow buttons and a belt around its "waist". In its right hand, it was holding a lantern with a pink light emanating from it, and in its left hand, it was holding a pickaxe, and Izuku could tell that this thing wanted to use it on them.

 In its right hand, it was holding a lantern with a pink light emanating from it, and in its left hand, it was holding a pickaxe, and Izuku could tell that this thing wanted to use it on them

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They ran away from the monster hoping to figure out what to do.

Deuce: What is that?!

Grim: Myaaah! No one said there'd be monsters! Let's get outta here!

Ace: That thing's super creepy! But didn't it just say something about "stones"?!

Grim: Wait, what?!

Monster: Stooonesss... ...nevvva give stooonesss...!

Deuce, Ace, and Grim: Ah!

Deuce: So there ARE still magestones here!

Grim: Myaaah... Even as a master sorcerer, I... I don't think I can take that thing down!

Deuce: But we need a magestone or we'll get expelled! I'm going in!

Ace: Are you outta your mind?!

Izuku: You can't do it alone!

Deuce: I won't be expelled! No matter what!

The monster managed to find them, and they tried to fight it off, but their attacks only seemed to slow it down.

But that's it for this chapter, I got to be honest, I don't know what the monster is, I mean, I know what it is, but I don't know how it came into existence, I know it is revealed in future chapters, but the origin of this monster's creation is still a mystery. But I'm going to leave it there for now, see you next time, where hopefully they can come up with a plan to defeat this behemoth. See you next time.

Izuku and Eri go to Twisted Wonderland Prologue: Welcome to the Villains' worldWhere stories live. Discover now