Chapter 5

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Cayden returned home noticing that his sister's car was now gone from the driveway.

Cayden walked in the house and spotted his father in the kitchen grabbing a drink from the fridge. "I take it Natalia Rose and mom worked out their differences and things are better between them?"

"They didn't get very far with making up with one another. Natalia Rose didn't want to hear what your mother had to say. Natalia Rose is still very much hurt by what your mother had done to her," Dean said.

"What exactly happened between mom and Natalia Rose, that caused Natalia Rose to not want to talk to mom," Cayden asked.

"It's not the time to talk about that right now. You have a big game today. You need to keep your mind on that and keep focused. Don't want you jeopardizing the big win for your team," Dean said.

"Are you going to tell me why mom and Natalia Rose are having this little fight with one another," Cayden asked.

"How about we have that discussion tomorrow, after your mom leaves for work. I don't want anything to trigger your mother's mood and upset her. She already feels like she did wrong by Natalia Rose, though I keep telling her that she didn't do anything wrong. But your mother keeps beating herself up not understanding that Natalia Rose needs a little time to calm down and see things for what they are," Dean said. "Now enough talk about that. I want you to fucus on your game tonight. Bring in that big win for the home team."

"Yeah. Thanks for the talk dad," Cayden said before walking away. Cayden made his way up to his room, doing all that he could to keep his mind off the nagging feeling at the back of his head. I need to keep my mind busy from thinking about his mother and his sister, Natalia Rose fighting, to the weird dream that I had about Natalia Rose. Though I already know the truth about Natalia Rose being adopted. But I can't help but feel the need to keep protecting Natalia Rose. But what the hell was my dream trying to tell me, when we were in that town looking place? And who the hell was that man in my dream, standing possessively close to Natalia Rose? Is Natalia Rose in danger and is she trying to keep it hidden from me? Maybe I should say something to mom and dad before we head out to the game. Maybe it could help patch things up between mom and Natalia Rose; and maybe they can have a good relationship like mom has been wanting for a while, Cayden thought to himself while doing homework.

Cayden was halfway through when he stopped to grab a bite to eat, before having to get ready for the game. He wanted to get there a little early, that way he didn't miss anything that the coach had to say.

God now is a time I wish I had Natalia Rose here with me. She always knows what to say to keep me from getting nervous before a game. Why the hell did she have to leave shortly after I left for school? Why couldn't she have hung around a little bit longer, just so she could help me focus on winning the game tonight? Maybe I should try and call her after the game and let her know how it all goes, Cayden thought to himself.

Cayden made his way into the kitchen spotting both of his parents in the kitchen eating as he walked in to grab something quick to eat.

"Cayden are you ready for the big game tonight," Janice asked.

"Yeah. Just wanted to grab something quick to eat before I leave early to be there, in case the coach has something important to say," Cayden said. "Did Natalia Rose say anything about possibly coming to my game to support me?"

Janice gave a sad smile to her son. "I'm sorry Cayden. But I don't think Natalia Rose will be attending your game. She left early this morning, hoping to make it to her new place. She didn't tell us where it is. She made it clear that she doesn't want anyone to come and see her."

"Maybe after the game, I can give Natalia Rose a call and see if she would talk to me, and give me any information of her whereabouts," Cayden said.

"If you believe that you can talk and get any kind of information from Natalia Rose, then give it a try. Though I don't think she will do it. Natalia Rose made it clear to me that she doesn't want anyone to keep her any visits. Maybe Natalia Rose doesn't want anyone to interfere with her new life," Janice said.

"I will get Natalia Rose to change her mind. She can't keep secrets from me. I always manage to get her to talk to me. I'll see you guys at the game," Cayden said before walking out of the house.

Janice let out a sad sigh before turning to her husband. "Do you think Cayden can get through to Natalia Rose and get her to tell him where she is living now?"

"It's Cayden we're talking about. He and Natalia Rose are close together. They could never keep secrets from one another," Dean said.

"I can only hope that he can get any information of Natalia Rose's whereabouts," Janice said.

"Don't think too much about the argument that you had with Natalia Rose. Tonight, we are focusing on our boy, Cayden, and cheering him on at his football game. Now why don't we get a move on, that way we can get good seats at the game," Dean said, before getting up and making his way out to the car.

I hope that Cayden can speak to Natalia Rose and get her to reveal where she is. I worry about her, and hope that she isn't in any trouble. If she is, there isn't anything I can do to help her out; all because she refuses to tell me where she is living now, Janice thought to herself while placing the dishes in the sink, before making her way out to her husband who was waiting for her in the car.

Dean waited in the car for Janice to get in and buckle herself in before pulling out of the driveway, unknowing that someone was hidden outside of their home, listening in on their conversation.

Oh this is not good. If this girl's adopted family keeps snooping around to find out where she is, then it puts Lupine Ridge as well as the few remaining purebred wolves in danger. I must give him a call and find out what he wants me to do about the little lady's family, to keep them from snooping around Lupine Ridge, the person thought to themselves.

The person pulled the phone out of their pocket, dialing his number. The person didn't have to wait long for Connor to pick up.

"This better be good, that you would disturb me during my time with my little mate," Connor growled out.

"Your mate's adopted family was talking about contacting her to try and get her to slip up as to where she is staying. They are planning on trying to get her to slip up, that way they can be sure that she didn't get caught up in the wrong crowd," the person said trying to hide the fear in their voice.

"Then do your damn job and keep them from making their way up here and learning about the very few purebred wolves. Do whatever you feel would be the most efficient way to keep them from making their way up to our lovely little town. Keep them from making up here and getting too close to my mate. She is where she needs to be. She is meant to be here, helping revive the purebred wolves. It's up to Natalia Rose and I to bring up the population of pure wolves. I won't allow anymore watered down breeds of wolves to run around. But keep that damn family away," Connor growled out before hanging up on the person. 

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