Chapter 9

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"Of course you would go and find that to be a good enough reason to want to keep me away from everyone else," Natalia Rose said while rolling her eyes.

"That and there are plenty of men who are dumb enough to make a move on you, not caring that you have already been promised to someone else. Other men don't give two shits about honoring that secret code among us men. They have no honor," Connor explained.

"I assure you that nobody is dumb enough to get up against you, or go and try to take me away from you. Anybody who has heard about you knows better than to try and go up against you. Anybody who has heard the damn stories of what you have done, know that you don't care about the cops coming up this way. But those of us who live here in Lupine Ridge, we all know better. Those of us in Lupine Ridge know that the cops had stopped coming up this way years ago. All because of the few who did come up here, they never made it out of Lupine Ridge alive. Not after they had an encounter with you. Us town wolf folk, we tried to warn them not to do anything stupid. Yeah I was living here, when I heard about what you had done. I was a baby, but the moment I came back, I heard all of the stories. I know what you did to that young woman when you snuck into her room. Is it safe for me to assume that you will be doing the same thing to me; if you're given the opportunity to do so," Natalia Rose asked.

"All those stories you heard, are just that, stories. They hold no truth. But I can see that everyone else around the town are hell-bent on making me out to be a monster. Well, I hope all of the town wolves are ready to face the monster that they are always talking about, because they are about to deal with the monster that they created," Connor snapped.

Hearing this worried Natalia Rose. She didn't mean to make Connor this angry. "Please Connor, don't do that. I know people talk, but don't go down there and show them a monster. If you do that, then you are going to break the peace treaty that you have made with the town wolves. Break that and I will get to go free and I don't have to hold up my end of the deal of giving you an heir that you want, to carry on the Slaughter name."

"Are you trying to change my mind to keep me from going there and ripping those town wolves apart? Are you trying to keep me from going down there and tearing into those pathetic humans, who believe that they can waltz in and join our pack for the hell of it, and think they are safe? Because you talking me out of my plan to show them the beast that they created, if that is what you're trying, let me just say you're not doing such a good job doing so. You might want to come up with another plan to stop me, because this little plan of yours is not working very well for you," Connor said.

Natalia Rose grabbed hold of Connor's face pulling him into a passionate kiss, hoping that Connor's mind off of wanting to do something to torment the people of Lupine Ridge.

Connor kissed back, pinning Natalia Rose to the wall with a bit of force, fully knowing what she was doing. Connor knew that his plan would work. He knew exactly what to say to Natalia Rose to get her to do anything and everything he wanted her to do.

Connor pulled away smirking at Natalia Rose. "I didn't know you had such strong feelings for me. Since I know that you are mine and mine alone, I won't go down to the town and torment the innocent town wolves that live down there. Well, I'll be nice and leave them alone for today anyway."

"What will it take for me to convince you to leave the wolves in town alone? Surely there is something you want that only I can give you," Natalia Rose said hoping to remain in Connor's good graces. Natalia Rose knew it was wise to keep on her toes when it came to Connor's mood, because Connor's mood always changed like the direction of the wind blowing. And Natalia Rose would do anything and everything to keep the town wolves safe from Connor and his would pack.

"Don't play with me Natalia Rose, because you already know what will happen. And I'm trying my best to show you that I am not that kind of man, who would force himself on you. Though if you want to let loose and give into the wolf and have the most amazing mind-blowing sex ever. All you have to do is say something. I won't deny you any pleasure. Besides, we could always call it practice for when it comes to our mating ceremony, where you and I will conceive an heir to continue on the Slaughter bloodline. We will have several pups that will help continue to keep the Slaughter bloodline going strong," Connor said.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. You haven't chosen a time when you would want to have the mating ceremony. Though I believe it would be a good idea to take things slow. Why rush when we can enjoy each other's company," Natalia Rose said.

Connor thought about it before finally agreeing. "You have a point. I want to get as much alone time with you as I possibly can, before you and I become parents. With that said why don't we all head down to the only bar in town and have ourselves a good time?"

"Connor, you already know that I am not one for drinking. Why don't you and the others go down to town and have yourselves a good time. I don't mind hanging back and enjoying some quiet time," Natalia Rose began to say.

"You staying here all alone is out of the question. If you want to stay up here in the mountains, then the rest of us are staying up in the mountains with you as well. I don't want to risk anything happening to you," Connor said while knowing he won that battle.

Natalia Rose let out an annoyed sigh, knowing it would be pointless to fight with Connor. "Fine. Release me, so that way I can grab my phone. Then we shall head to your favorite place in town."

"I wouldn't call Angelina's bar my favorite place. I have another place where I would much rather be, spending some personal time with you, if you know what I mean," Connor said before wriggling his eye brows at Natalia Rose while backing away from her.

Natalia Rose patted his chest gently as she gave him her response. "Keep it in your pants big guy. I doubt the rest of your muttly crew, as well as the town folk want to see what you are packing away in your pants."

"Like I would show them my most intimate parts. They aren't worthy of seeing what I have in my pants. Besides, I'm not one to shatter all of those other women's dreams, because I only intend on sleeping with one woman; and that is you," Connor said before Natalia Rose walked away blushing. 

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