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NANCY'S HEART WAS pounding in her chest as she followed robin up the stairs. she didn't have any second thoughts or bad feelings about it, she was just nervous. that same nervous feeling you get when something exciting is coming, but you can't help but be a bit scared of it.

she could tell robin knew her way around, but she was still curious as to where exactly they were going. they'd already passed several bedrooms that nancy assumed were perfectly fine for their night's events.

"sorry we're walking so much. my room's pretty far from where we were," robin apologized, her fingers intertwined with nancy's.

"your room? you live here?"

"not actually. steve's parents are rarely home so i'm usually over here. after i kept staying here so much, he gave me a bedroom to sleep in and keep my stuff in"

"that's sweet" nancy smiled, glancing at robin.

"he's the best," robin replied, before slowly coming to a stop. she pulled a key out of her pocket, putting it in the door. "i keep a lock on it for when he throws a party"

"that's smart"

nancy followed robin into her room, and robin closed and locked the door behind them. nancy looked around the room, taking in her surroundings. there was a big bed in the center of the room, which looked like it would be insanely comfortable. it was dimly lit by strip lights across the top of the walls, illuminating the room with a rich blue color.

the walls were littered with posters, pictures, tapestrys, and various collections. the one that grabbed nancy's eye the most was robin's crystal collection. even the blue light couldn't mask their beautiful colors with sparkles that danced in various spots.

"you have a cool room," nancy commented, fixing her gaze back on robin.

robin gave her a smile. "thank you"

robin moved closer to nancy, closing the gap in between them. nancy couldn't stop herself from reaching her lips up to robin's, wrapping her arms around robin's neck to keep herself steady. robin was quick to return the kiss, snaking her arms around nancy's lower back.


they laid in bed next to each other a little over an hour later, just looking into each other's eyes. eventually, nancy got up to put her clothes back on, and robin only watched her. once nancy had started putting clothes on, robin got up to put hers back on too.

once they were both dressed, they looked at each other. nancy didn't want to leave robin, she would rather stay here with her. robin felt the same way, not ready to let go yet.

"well," robin rubbed the back of her neck, thinking about what to say. "i know you said you didn't want anything serious, but if you want to do that again before you leave..."

she turned around and searched through her desk for a few seconds, her hands grabbing a sticky note and a pen. she scribbled something down frantically before turning back to nancy. she extended the sticky note towards the brunette, motioning for her to take it.

"hit me up"

nancy glanced down at the paper and saw robin's number messily scribbed on it. she looked back up at robin and gave her a small smile and a nod.

"i'll keep you in mind," she winked.

the two walked towards the door, and robin opened it for her. nancy walked out, half-expecting robin to follow behind her.

"i hope i'll see you again, nancy," she gave her a smile.

"i can promise you will"

robin closed the door after giving nancy a small wave, leaving the brunette alone in the hallway. nancy smiled to herself, neatly folding the note and putting it in her pocket.

she began to walk, trying her best to figure out where she came from. she pulled out her phone, sending lorelai a 'where are you?' text. she wandered through the halls, following the sound of the music along the way.

she went downstairs, scanning the main area's crowd for lorelai as she walked down. she spotted lorelai's ginger ponytail sticking out of the crowd. she rushed towards her, having to push a few people along the way once again. she tapped lorelai on the shoulder, causing her to turn around.

"nance! there you are. i've been looking for you!"

"sorry, i was with this girl"

"huh?" lorelai said loudly, unable to hear nancy due to the music.

"are you ready to go?" nancy yelled, hoping lorelai could hear her.


nancy grabbed lorelai's wrist and dragged her towards the door. once they got outside, the wave of fresh air instantly cooled both of them off. nancy took a deep breath, the chill air instantly relaxing her.

they got into lorelai's car and nancy relaxed back into the seat, prepared to drive once again.

"what were you saying inside?" lorelai asked as nancy started up the car.

"i was with a girl, that's why you couldn't find me"

"did y'all fuck?"

nancy's face turned red. "maybe"

"who is she?" lorelai interrogated with urgency, sitting up in her seat. a smile was on her face, clearly excited for nancy.


"robin what?"

"i don't know! we just fucked, we didn't get married!"

lorelai ignored nancy's sarcastic comment. "i'll find her"

lorelai scrolled through her phone as nancy drove, and nancy assumed she was trying to look for some sort of account on social media. two minutes later, she held her screen up to nancy.

"this her?"

nancy glanced at the screen quickly, still trying to focus on the road. but, even in her peripheral vision, she could still tell it was robin. she knew. and when her eyes landed on robin's familiar face in an instagram post, she was barely even suprised lorelai had found her.

"yep, that's her"

"she's hot" lorelai commented, scrolling through more posts. "you should keep her"

nancy laughed. "we're leaving in two months"

"so? that's still two months to spend with her"

nancy tried to think of an argument, but she couldn't. maybe summer had a point after all.

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