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Hello My miracles!!!

Here's chapter three

Have a great time reading.
Author pov

The three are having coffee ,two of them are chatting over various things while the other is seeming lost somewhere

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The three are having coffee ,two of them are chatting over various things while the other is seeming lost somewhere. Sri was just sipping her coffee she ordered before listening to the senior and junior conversation just nodding or answering in one line.

"I think your sister is quite calm and composed compared to you" stated Siddharth.

Sri looked at him perplexed and pravi choked on hearing his statement.The sisters exchanged looks making him confuse. "Did I say anything wrong?" he asked uncertainly.

Pravi just chuckled and answered him.

"Not at all senior, we are surprised at your declaration. By the way my sister is no as saint".

Sri gave her sister betrayed look. Pravi just shrugged her sister's glares.

Siddharth looked at sri making her nervous under her gaze.

"So I should know more about her to get to know her not so innocent side" that statement made sri's heart beat rapidly.Siddharth glanced at his watch and exclaimed.

"oh I should make a move now ladies.I will take leave junior and it is nice meeting you miss Sridevi.I hope we meet again.Bye" wishing them bye he made a move to pick his sister.

Sri just stared at his back who is going smiling not acknowledging that he made a heart miss it's beat with his words.

Sri felt something idle when he went off, she ignored that longing feeling and decided to concentrate on better.Both the sisters also proceeded to their next destination as pravi decided to be tour guide for her sister. Their day went by visiting various tourist spots in delhi and savouring on street food almost turning it a sister's date.

They returned back home after enjoying their day out to their heart's content.Sri felt extremely happy spending time with her sister after a long term.

On the other hand pravi thanked god for this day with her dearest sister.she felt content. 
Sri pov

Oh God it feels so good to lay down without any tasks to accomplish, problems to solve

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Oh God it feels so good to lay down without any tasks to accomplish, problems to solve.I am laying on my bed after a dayout with pravi after ages.Today i realised how much I missed spending time with my little devil.how much I have missed teasing her,having arguments with her, listening to her babbling. I am gonna save every single detail of this day in my brain forever as I recalled everything that happened today.
I thought to pen down everything that is going on in my brain. So I took out my diary and started noting down details of today. As i was noting down i remembered that I met SIDDHARTH after  ten years Still the thought of him gives me goosebumps .It took me to  the first time I met him.
Author pov

It is summer vacation

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It is summer vacation. Thirteen year old sri is super pumped up to make complete use of her summer vacation. She made a list of things she wish and want to do. Now she is all set to learn bicycle. She has been pestering her dad to buy her a bicycle that big girls like her ride so that she can finally compete her classmates. She is riding her cycle through the streets of her locality like everyday.But her mind lured her to ride on main road as her schoolmates do.She started going towards the busy mainroad, rode her bicycle turning her head left and right to beware of vehicles. She succeeded in crossing the busy road that made her proud of herself.She got bored crossing the same road,she turned her route deep into the locality opposite to her.she treated herself chocolates with her pocket money. And ready to go back as it is dawn.Suddenly it hit her hard that she doesnot have any idea where she is. She checked every side of her surrounding in hope of finding her way back nonetheless he is left with blank brain and panic eating her,tears started brimming out of her beautiful doe eyes. Sun is setting ,situation is getting worse.She started thinking way worse.She wished so bad that someone might help her.

"Hey!Are you okay?"

These are the words that diverted her from unpleasant thoughts.

There stood a boy seems to be elder to her, hanging backpack on his shoulders looking at her in concern. He is wearing uniform as her school has.  

"huh!" she exclaimed looking at him.

He looked at her keenly , her beautiful eyes red and swollen,cheeks and nose turned red.He analysed her and concluded that she might be in trouble.

"Are you okay? why are you crying? Are you hurt anywhere? Why are you sitting here?"

"I don't know the way back" she whispered enough for him to hear.

He understood the scenario that she donot way to her home.

"It's alright donot cry I will help you get home.Is that okay?"he offered her help.

"Really"she exclaimed grinning widely while rubbing her eyes. He amazed at how cute she is.

"Bytheway how did you come here?" She pointed at her bicycle parked at a side of road. He chuckled at her cuteness.

"Alright come on Let's take you home" she giggled at his statement.He smiled seeing her smile.

They both went on the mission of 'back home'. He chatted with her reliving the atmosphere. He taught her the ways to not end up in this situation again.

She squealed on finding that mainroad she crossed.

"That side is my home" she squealed.

He laughed at her excitement at this tiny achievement.

He dropped her until her home and wished her good night.

She thanked him and gave him a chocolate as gratitude in her scope.

"Take care little girl" he waved her bye and went off.

|Flashback end|

Thinking how she met him sri dozed off to sleep.


What do you think about their first meet.

I hope you liked this chapter .

Thank you for reading.

Another update will be as soon as possible.

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meet you again!!

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