{ 5 } After-party

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DISCLAIMER : This chapter contains uncomfortable content. There are depictions of alcohol and somewhat sexual implications

      My head feels heavy and my limbs feel floaty as the minutes pass. I keep my back leaning up against the wall, taking deep breaths as Frank stands close to my side. He's looking at me with a look of lust in his eyes like he wants something, I know what it is, I'm so fucking drunk right now that I'd give in. 

     Without a single thought in my mind, I turn to face him, and I slide my hands from his neck up to his jawline. He's quick to wrap his arms around my waist and he pins me up against the wall as his gaze is deep in my eyes. He bites the bottom of his lip and gives me a smirk, and with that, he leans in, his lips colliding with mine as I run my fingers through the back of his hair. He pushes his body up against mine, I pull away for a second, breathing heavily as I go back to kissing him. I don't recall myself feeling this way for Frank, but my mind was so incapable of thinking that I didn't pay much mind to what was happening right now.

      "Mm, Frank-- One sec," I say as I pull away, wiping the bottom of my lip with my thumb as I push past him, pouring more alcohol into my previous cup.

       "We should go somewhere else..." I mumble, swiftly downing ... what cup am I on now? Shit, can't fuckin' remember.


     I blink for a couple of seconds, I'm staring straight up at the ceiling. How the fuck did I get that drunk? Am I even still at the party? I slowly manage to sit up, my phone is buzzing in my pocket but I can barely even fucking process that it is, and I see Frank sitting on the floor as well. I feel him grab me by my shoulders, and the noises from the party are muffled. He lifts my body so that I'm sitting in his lap facing him, as I check out my surroundings more I realize we're in a small laundry room. Fuck, what have I done? What have I said?

     "Linnea... you need to listen to me... I..." He trails off, his voice sounds muffled for a moment.

     "Wha... What?" I struggle to keep my head up. He's still holding me in his lap on the floor, I feel his face getting closer to mine. I lean in and kiss him on the lips. He responds passionately, giving in to the kiss. I put my hands at the sides of his cheeks and continue to crash my lips against his, and it gradually turns into rough making out. I feel him slide off my jacket, I pull my arms out of the sleeves and he throws it across the floor. His hands gently run up my back as we continue making out, and the kissing progressively becomes messier. He grabs me and lays me on my back on the floor, and he climbs on top of me, going back to kissing me once again, I can feel his lips moving away from mine, and he starts leaving kisses on the right side of my neck.

     "Mm... I don't... I don't know about this... Gerard...." My words are severely slurred and they struggle to come out, I barely have any idea what I'm saying.

     "Huuuh? Ger-- Gerard?" He responds out of breath.

     My phone falls out of my pocket, it's still buzzing like crazy. Frank doesn't seem to have much of a care about it and goes back to kissing my neck.

Suddenly, we both jump at the sound of the door handle shaking and rattling. Yep, that was enough to sober me up. Frank? No idea if he was capable of sobering up.

The door is kicked open, like, the entire door handle falls off. A very pissed-off Gerard is standing in the doorway. Fucking shit. At this point when I see him standing there, I can instantly feel my senses coming back to me. Frank turns around and is quick to get off of me. I sit up, sliding myself to the back of the wall.

     I watch Gerard kneel, he grabs Frank by the collar of his shirt and lifts him. What the fuck is going down right now? My brain is too damn cloudy to process what's happening.

     "Frank. What the actual FUCK do you think you're doing!? Are you fucking kidding me? I've been trying to get a hold of her for over an hour, and this is how I find out what happened. You disgusting motherfucker, I'm gonna fucking kill you." Gerard's words come out sharply, his teeth are gritted. He sounds fucking furious. I feel my heart begin to pound out of my chest again, I watch in pure shock but mostly confusion as Gerard drops Frank, then he walks up to me, picking me up and carrying me out of the room.


     I must've passed out again because I woke up in the passenger seat without much of a memory about the stuff that went down. The car is dead silent. I groan, there's aching pain from my neck up to my head. I glance to my left, Gerard's expression is dead serious, yet emotionless.

     "Linnea. Can you hear me?" He breaks the silence, and at this point, I can hear things much clearer.

     "Ye- Yes." I answer groggily.

     "Listen, I don't want that to happen ever again. I don't want you being around Frank for a little while. I don't blame you for what happened, but uh... don't accept any drinks from Frank. I'm pretty sure that shit was laced." He explains, and by now I'm processing things a lot better. Fuck. What happened between me and Frank?

     "What?... I was laced?" I struggle to keep my eyes open as I feel exhaustion overcoming me, my eyelids are heavy.

     "It's either that or you blacked out and ended up drinking more than you remember. I don't know, I just... I feel terrible. I don't want to put you in that situation ever again. If we go to a party again, I'm keeping you right by my side no matter what. Got it? No wandering off."

     "Mm- Mhm."

     I feel the car park. Gerard gets out of the driver's seat and comes around to the passenger side, where he opens the door, lifts me, and carries me as I'm certainly in no condition to walk, and he takes me up a few concrete steps until he opens the front door and we're inside. My eyes are barely open but I immediately realize this isn't my apartment.

     "Linnea, I'm having you sleep at my house tonight, alright? I'm gonna get you some water and Advil, don't fall asleep on me yet, please."

     I scarcely listen to his words, I don't respond. While he's still carrying me in his arms, he opens a door, and I feel myself being laid down in a bed. The glowing light from the hallway leaks into the dark room as he leaves, and he soon comes back with an Advil pill and a water bottle. He shuts the bedroom door and turns on the lamp on his nightstand. He gets into the bed as well and helps me sit up. I place the Advil on my tongue and I take the call off of the water bottle, swallowing the water with ease as I lay back down.

     "You doin' okay, Linny?"

     "...Linny? Where- Where... did that come from?..." I respond with pure exhaustion in my voice as I pull the blanket over more of my body and turn around, facing the other side of the room. I hear him softly let out a chuckle as he switches the lamp off.

     "Goodnight." His voice is quiet, his lips are close to my ear as he says this. I feel him turn around and I soon drift into a deep sleep.

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