Sleep Paralysis Part 10: Ana's Death

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In a few weeks Ana's parents is crying and they saw her paralyzed and her mouth is open "Mr. Ana and Mrs can we talk outside for a minute?" "Cgeh po sir?" "Honey come on let's go" "I want my baby back!!" Ana's mom hug her and cry "I'm so sorry for your lost?" "I know can we talk outside?" "Yes sir sure?" "Honey maguusap lang kami ng police ah, I promise babalik ako?" "Okay...." Ana's father and the police went outside.

Ang daming tao sa labas "May papakilala ako sainyo sir?" "Sino po?" "Follow me?" The police starts walking and Ana's father followed him and the detective came "Sino po sya sir?" "Sya si Detective Roger the best detective ever in the city, good luck sir?" "Okay thank you sir!" "So what's your name sir?" "I'm Ana's father?" They both shake hands.

So many peoples walking around "We can't talk here, let's go find some quite place?" "Okay sure sir?" Detective Roger and Ana's father is walking away from the peoples and they find a quite place "So tell me what happened to your daughter Ana?" "It's a long story sir?" "Just tell me everything the truth?" "Okay I will tell you everything!" "Ana my daughter has a friend or classmate his name is Kosta, my daughter didn't bully him she just laughed at him and this kid Kosta he started killing innocent students, and one night he came to our house, and he tried to scare my daughter when she's alone at her room, and he stab her on her neck but he got away, and luckily my daughter is losing a lot of blood and she tried to cover it when we arrive at the hospital, she went to sleep she had a sleep paralysis that's what happened sir?" "Hmm interesting and I understand about what happened come on follow to my office I need to show you something?" "Later sir if that's okay for you, I need to protect my family?" "I understand tomorrow I will come to your house I need to show you something?" "Cgeh po sir!" Detective Roger is walking away and Ana's father walking back to his house.

Sleep Paralysis: The Haunting Veil (August 2024)Where stories live. Discover now