Chapter 5: Kissan Jones

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I woke up with the constant ringing of the alarm clock. I then hit Ethan on his back. Waking him up.

" Ummm.... Hey Ethan. Can you turn off the alarm clock. " I said sleepily.

" Okay. " Ethan then got up and turn off the alarm. He then towered over me and started tickling me.

" Hey Ethan, stop it. " I couldn't help but giggle.

" Come on. We have to get ready for school and remember Saya and the others are coming over. Okay, " Ethan said getting off of me.

" Oh... Yeah speaking about Saya. Did you heard anything from Maison? " I asked.

" No not yet but we can ask Saya. So let's go. " Ethan said pulling me towards the showers.

" Okay I'm coming. " I said

A few hours later we were dressed for school in our uniform that I hate so much which consists of a dark green pleated skirt, above the knees. A white blouse with a dark green and white tie and also black flats and dark green socks. Ethan had on a grey long pants, with a white blouse and the tie with black shoes and gray socks.
We then heard some cars honking outside my compound.

" They're here, " I said excitedly.

" Yer I know .... Let's go. " Ethan and I kissed and went outside to see a pink 612 scagliette Ferrari owned by Saya, a yellow new Ferrari California owned by Olivia and a enzo Ferrari which is a sports car own by Sophia.

" Nick then came running behind us towards Sophia who then throw the keys to him.

" You're driving today, " Sophia said

" Alright! " Nick replied smiling.

Saya and Olivia then came out their cars and walked towards us.

" Next time you guys are meeting up at my house. " Saya said smiling showing us her dimples.

" Alright girl! " We all said in unison.

Couldn't wait to find out about Maison and Saya, I found myself speaking out.

" Hey Saya. How did your date with Maison went? " I asked while playing with my hair.

Olivia suddenly hit me and give me a 'why did you talk' face. I then smiled and told her I couldn't help it.

" How did you... Wait don't tell me. " Saya stood there speechless.

" Yes we set you up with Maison. " I screamed.

" I knew you guys were up to something. " Saya said then continued.

" But why Maison? "

We all stopped smiling and watched Saya. Olivia then came up to her.

" Although Maison is popular amongst other girls. He told me he likes you a lot because you see him differently and your cute. " Olivia said then let go of her.

" Plus I'm sure that you like him also. " I said.

" Yer I do like him. He's not a problem to me. " Saya then replied.

" Come on enjoyed life while you have it. " Sophia jumped in front of her. *huh..what?*

" Don't worry about me. Anyways I got my first kissed last night. " Saya said looking a bit embarrassed.

Everyone looked at her surprisingly.

" What? Is it that big of a deal? " Saya asked.

" Yes. It is, " I said.

Saya then watch me weirdly and continued." Anyways we're going out again on Friday. "

" Okay that's good to hear. " Olivia said a little bit relieved.

Saya then watched all of us then smiled.

" Thank you guys, " she said as she hugged us.

" Hey that's what friends are for. " I said smiling. " Come on let's go or we're gonna be late. "

We all then hopped in our cars and drove off to school.


"Enjoy life while you have it.." saya taught to herself.

She shook the taught out of her mind, and continued driving.


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