Chapter 9 : Sophia James.

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" Hey you think Saya will come school today?" I asked running towards Kissan and Olivia.

I then stopped after seeing the faces of my friends.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"Saya isn't coming school today and we have something to tell you. " Kissan said holding on my shoulder.

" It's about Nick. " Olivia then walked up to me.

" Nick? " I asked raveled, pulling away from Kissan ," What's wrong with him? "

I knew that this conversation was not going to be good.

" We overheard a conversation at the boys locker room with Nick and his friends. " Said Olivia.

" What?! You were eavesdropping on my boyfriend? " I asked rather displeased.

" I wouldn't call a fucking guy like him my boyfriend. " Kissan said impatiently quiet,

"Although I'm with his stepbrother. I never caught or heard him taking shit about me."

I stood there quietly as Kissan spoke," We heard him saying that he have another girl, and he's only in it with you for the sex. "

" What?! " I asked shocked, " No you're lying. "

" We're not lying Sophia, we told you not to trust any guy. They're only players looking for hearts to play with like toys then break them." Kissan said looking at me.

I stood there dumbfounded starting at her.

"Kissan stop it! " Olivia said pushing Kissan away, " Look Sophia we didn't wanted to tell you but we did. "

" Well if you guys found it hard to tell me. I guess you're telling me the truth so that means he's ... actually... cheating on me. " I reckoned to myself.

I then felt tears running down my cheeks. A sudden upturn of my stomach caught me off guard as I pushed Olivia out of my way and started vomiting.

The girls squealed at my sudden act then surrounded me.

"Sophia whats wrong? " Kissan asked as she rested her hand on my back caressing it.

" I don't know. I woke up in the morning not feeling well." I said looking at them. "I wish i could die right now" I started vomiting again.

"Sophia don't say that." Kissan said

"Sophia when was the last time you see your period?" Olivia asked thinking.

"I.. I.. I don't know maybe a month ago maybe 2" I answered unsure.

Kissan and Olivia looked at each other worriedly.

"Sophia i think you should go to the hospital immediately." Kissan said as i look at her.

"What? Why would I? " I paused at the moment and then nodded.

Taking out my phone from my bag I called my mother.

" Hey mom I ain't feeling to well. Can you send a diver to come pick me up? Also send a letter. "

I then hung up the phone.

"So what are we going to do with Nick?" Kissan asked.

I looked at them then spoke,"Please I'm not in the mood for him right now, and don't worry about Nick I know what I'm going to do to him." I said heading out the building.

A few minutes later I was in the car heading towards the hospital when I heard the screeching of the car wheels. Unfortunately I lurched forward hitting my head against the glass and everything went blank.


"Miss. James are you alright?! Can you move? " The driver was trying to grab my attention.

As I resuscitate from my unconsciousness. I then saw blood in my hand as I realized I was seated upside down with blood dripping from my forehead.

" Ouchhh, " I manage to say out loud.

" Oh thank goodness. " The driver said relieved," Now remove your seat belt and come out the car slowly.

The driver wore an worried expression on his face.

Turning my attention from him I look to my other side to see the gas leaking.

"Why is this happening?" I asked myself as i tried to unbuckle my seat belt.

" It won't budge! " I shouted still pulling the buckle.

" Okay, just remain calm." the driver said trying to calm me but failed at doing it.

" HELP! PLEASE HELP ME! " I screamed on the top of my lungs.

" Don't worry, I'll get you out of there." The driver said preparing himself to enter the car.

Inauspiciously for me, the car exploded sending him flying. I was in the car screaming and crying for help. The heat was unbearable as I feel the heat penetrate into my skin. I then remembered the words I've spoken at school, it replayed reiteratedly in my mind.

"I feel like I could die right now. "

" Oh God I don't want to die now, " I whispered crying. As i heard the ambulance and firetruck coming.

I then relinquished all hope of living when I went unconscious not knowing what's going to happen to me next.

Be careful what you wish for it might just come true..


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