Chapter 16: Lucas Oneil

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1 week later:

"Saya reacted lightly than I've expected her to, " I said looking up at the sky and saw the moon was full tonight.

I was out in the woods searching for a blood source. I was expecting an animal but i guess he'll do.

"Hey, What are you doing out here this late? " He asked.

I didn't replied to his question.

" Hey..... Hey... Hey, " he continued to shout at me while I ignored him.

I swiftly came up to him, taking his gun away I flung him against a tree. He landed hard as i heard he cried out in pain.

I didn't really care what happened to him. I then came towards him and sink my fangs into his neck.

His blood tasted kind of raw but I didn't mind that. Once I get blood to fill my thirst, that was all I care about. But I didn't notice that someone else was behind of me.

I then turned around to face Saya watching me.

" How did you find me without making me feel your presence? " I questioned her.

She stood their silent, staring at me.

I drop the lifeless body and wipe the blood away from my mouth.


" Now you're seeing me for who I am, " I sigh then questioned her," Are you angry with me? "

She then nods at me. No.

" Are you afraid of me? "

She nods again. No.

She didn't even opened her mouth she only nodded at my questions.

Is it shock?

Sigh.. I got up thinking, maybe it's because she recently found out that the person who she was going out with was a werewolf. So she took this lightly with me...

I then came up to her.

Why is she so quiet all of a sudden?

I tired but I didn't know what was going on in that head of hers.

I looked at her then spoke.

" I didn't expect you'll find out about me so soon, " I said then continued.

" Your time is near for the bacteria to fully integrate your blood stream unless the antibiotics work. " I said watching her.

She stood still while I continued talking,

"But I wonder how it will taste, it wouldn't kill me if I tried."

"Wait, what are you going to do with me? " she finally asked backing away from me.

" Nothing just remain calm. " I said moving towards her then held her close to me.

I then remove her hair and sink my fangs slowly into her neck.

She groaned in pain and held on tightly to my shirt.

The sweetness of her blood instantly replace the raw blood I've just tasted.

" Your body is getting warm, You're getting excited. " I said smirking.

" Could we do this next time, my body is getting weak. " Saya surprisingly uttered.

" Like hell no. " I said softly.

I continued to feed on her, forgetting that Saya was close in turning into a werewolf.

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