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I was watching a horror movie with my friends, we were teasing each other and making a game out of it. It was me and four other people, we were currently watching prom night. We planned to watch a few more movies as well. The list was 5 categories and we were going to watch 5 movies.

The categories:

1. Who would die first

2. Who would survive

3. Who would become the killers new obsession

4. Who would be mostly chill but mad about certain things

5. Who would be freaking the fuck out, asking hundreds of questions

The movie list:

1. House of wax

2. Coraline

3. Countdown

4. Prom night

5. ???

So far, I was in place 3, why? Because I always manage to attract crazy people and become a good therapist or something. I don't really know but I voted for myself as well. It didn't help that we were all writers and came up with a character for each universe we chose. We wanted to write a book about the universes we chose but we'd need to analyse the movies closely. It gets very annoying at times and I tend to give up start making another book or take a break. That or I get overly impatient and my chapters are short. Or I just delete the book entirely.

Anyways the stats are currently:

1. Who would die first

Alice/ Alice

2. Who would survive


3. Who would become the killers new obsession

Me / Tabitha

4. Who would be mostly chill but mad about certain things

Ethan/ Erwin

5. Who would be freaking the fuck out, asking hundreds of questions

Ella/ Ella


The movies kept playing as it started storming harshly, we haven't decided on the last movie yet but it's my friend Alice's choice. Knowing her, she'll choose something lewd. She looks innocent but she a freak like me. Not as much though. She said it's going to be a secret until it's her turn. She has been dropping hints about it though and I'm excited for it. She said something about 365 days but I don't know if a movie called that or anything about it.

I was in the kitchen making food as I heard Alice groan "Tabitha, your movie is glitching out. Should we move on and come back to it? " she asked

I frowned a little "sure, I'm dying to know what movie it is. " I smiled


It was not 365 days, I didn't know what it was since I was cooking but I could tell it wasn't 365 days. I high fived Alice for her choice as I finished cooking, I pretended to love her choice even if I didn't know what it was. My movie started playing again only for it to glitch and for the screen to become staticky.

I went to turn it off only for the remote to not work and for a weird light to appear. It was like a hologram "like Jumanji it will be, only your movies shall you see. You become your book and your book becomes you. Your predictions shall be used " I heard and I let out a noise as my body turned into pixels and pulled into the screen along with my friends.


I woke up and opened my eyes quickly. I got up and looked around, I was with four strangers. I looked at them closely and flinched, they looked familiar but I didn't know how. They all started to come to and I flinched.

"Who are you guys? " I asked

"Tabitha! What do you mean " who are you guys? "!? We're your friends you forgetful girl!" One of them yelled while pointing at me before yanking her had back and looking at her skin.

"I'm a whole different race! What the fuck!? " she yelled in surprise.

"What? " I was freaking out before remembering the words. "Oh shit. . . Wake up!" I said loudly and the remaining sleeping people woke up.

"Everyone! I think we're our book characters. " I announced

"What!? "

"Remember the hologram thingy? " I asked and they nodded slowly

"You become your book and your book becomes you" the girl from before muttered

"Then how come you look the same?! " the only male yelled

"I wasn't going to write a description for my character excpet-! Oh my . . . " I turned around and carefully pulled up my shirt, my breasts looked more full and they were a little bigger. I dropped my shirt and looked at my hips, they were bigger too but my waist was the as well. . . "I regret making my character like this" I pouted

"What? "A girl with black hair said.

" I made my character have my illness but she lactates as well because she was pregnant and had a miscarriage. "I frowned

" Tabitha, you were thinking about the smut weren't you? "She asked and I gasped

" Alice! "I yelled and she nodded

" who is everyone else? And both their original name and oc name incase we get called by them."

"Alice for both" the now black haired girl sighed

"You are the same but different, you chose black hair instead of your blond and gray eyes instead of your blue, I love the contrast. " I smiled

"I'm assuming you're Niomi? You really may be a different race but you still look good". I smiled softly

" thank you, you know I'm Nikki but I'm also Emma. I thought, since I'm Asian I should make an oc with the whitest name I know, and then I watched friends and I heard the name Emma, it's cute "she smiled and I nodded

"Ethan? " I asked

"Yep" he responded calmly

"We were right, you are weirdly chill about this."

"I paid attention to most of the words and kinda put two and two together, also my oc is Erwin"

"Fancy name but I'm not surprised, your hair is even in a fancy style"

"And that leaves Ella" I smiled at the girl who had a more innocent look to her and brown eyes instead of her blue.

"Yep and I'm still brown"

"Yeah" I giggled

"So, where should we go? Down the creepy street or down to the side towards the woods? " Asked Ella

"Streets usually lead to civilization" Alice offered and I nodded


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