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They looked scared shitless. We then went up to Bo's house to go get the fan belt and I said that I would wait here for them. That was obviously a lie though. I made Alice stay with me as well. I stood up and whispered in Carly's ear how it wasn't a good idea to go. She shook it off and I said how I had a really bad feeling.

She paused before replying " it's wade, I'll go for him." She said and I face palmed.

As soon as they left, I grabbed Alice's hand and walked out of there. I took her all the way to the pet store and made her hide inside with me. It got really boring after a minute though and I fell asleep. Alice slept as well.


I woke up as soon as the electricity started going off and on everywhere. I noticed that Alice was gone and I jumped up. It was pitch black out and the lights in every building was flashing.

I ran out and went straight to the house of wax I quickly broke the door down so they would have an easier escape. I ran in and looked around to see if I could find Alice, hoping I wouldn't so she would be alive or hoping that she was making fun of a statue or something.

I froze when I entered the music room. Alice was covered in wax and in a black dress. I teared up slightly. " Alice" I whispered only for Nick to scream

" You! Are you apart of this!?"

" No! If I was, it would all just be wax! No dead people and my best friend wouldn't be fucking dead!!" I responded before flinching

Everyone else entered the room behind him, including my other friends " We need to leave now" I said quietly just as Vincent appeared

" Go go GO!" I tried to yell as I shoved everyone out of the building

I quickly kneeled before scraping the wax floor harshly and the floor started to dip under Vincent when Bo started running only for the floor to collapse under them. I got yanked back by Ethan and Nick. My hands were covered in burns, wax, and My blood, I hadn't even noticed. I stood on shaky legs before collapsing and going unconscious.


I woke up with a groan, I was in an ambulance with Carly and Nick. "Wh-where are the others?" I asked quietly, staring at my now bandaged hands.

" Most of them are in different ambulances, wade, Paige and Dalton didn't make it" Carly sniffled before leaning on her brothers shoulder

I turned and looked out of the window to see that my friends were infact getting put into different ambulances " where is Ethan?"

" Who's Ethan?" Nick asked

" Sorry, I forgot he changed his name to Erwin."

" The creepy guy in your group?" Nick asked with a grimace

" Yes. . . He's just nonchalant " I frowned " he helped you pull me away from the house of wax"

" When you passed out, he kinda. . ." Carly drawled out

" Vincent stabbed him and he was bleeding out before you made the floor collapse he was rushed to the hospital soon after we got loaded into the ambulances. He almost bled out " Nick finished.

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