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We have been walking for a while when we come across a campsite. "Hello?!" Alice calls

"This is why you'd die first. " I grumbled

A really attractive man appeared, it was Nick. "Who are you people? " he demanded

"I'm Tabitha, this is Alice, Erwin, Emma, and Ella." I explained and he had a firm look.

"Were you the people who pulled in a few minutes ago? "

"No, we woke up on the road with no memories" Alice said

"I swear you are going to get us murdered" I grumbled and she shrugged

Nick paused for a second looking at us.


It was the next day and they let us go with them. I went with Carly and Paige to use the bathroom, I was picking flower's nearby and I grabbed a lot more than I intended. I started to weave them and made four crowns and three bracelets.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew so I stood up and looked at the other two girls, "it reeks. " I grumbled and they agreed.

We ended up following the smell " this is some dumb horror movie bullshit" I grumbled

Carly and I walked forward and we fell into a ditch full of roadkill, I landed on my ankle and she landed on her hands. I helped Carly up while Paige went to get help.

" Damn it, my crowns are broken." I frowned

" At least the bracelets are okay and you still have one Cron that is fine." Carly reassured.

" Thank you, Carly" I smiled


We were finally out of the ditch when a man pulled up on the other side of the ditch. His truck full of roadkill like the ditch. 'Isn't his name Lester' I thought

My friends were now with us and I put the flower crown on. He offered us a ride and I agreed and so did my friends. I didn't fully remember this movie but I remembered that it's "house of wax" and a few of the characters' names but that's about it. All of my friends decided to stay with Nick other than Alice, Alice was with us.

I handed Lester a bracelet and sat next to him, I wasn't really paying attention to most of the talking until Lester touched my arm. "Huh? " I asked quietly before realizing that everyone was outside of the truck

"Oh Shit, I'm sorry. " I scooted out of the truck.

"It's fine, just follow your friends. Thank you for the bracelet. " he smiled and I returned it

"Thank you for the ride, Lester. You're very nice. " I smiled before scooting out of the truck. I waved before following my friends.


We walked into the town and passed a really cute pet shop. I looked at the puppies through the window with Carly and Alice only for Wade to drag us away, Wade being Carly's boyfriend. We then walked towards a gas station but left since no one was there.

We then saw the house of wax and I squeaked. Paige called Carly and they talked for a minute before hanging up. Alice wanted to go to the house of wax with Wade and it seemed as if I remembered more about the movie than her because she was trying to do some crazy shit.

Wade and Carly then mentioned asking someone in the church. I decided to wait outside while Alice ran in with the others like an idiot when we literally saw the movie. Soon enough, they all walk out with Bo following.

"What happened? " I asked Alice

"They walked in on a funeral. " Bo grumbled

"We were actually looking for a guy named Bo" Carly said "we were told that he works at the gas station" she added

"We uh, need a fan belt. " Wade said and I looked at him

"You're literally talking about this after interrupting a funeral" I gave Wade an annoyed look.

"Yeah you interrupted a funeral for a fucking fan belt? " Bo glared at him "at least let me dump the body. " he grumbled before leaving back into the church

Wade took a breath "that's 2, I'm an asshole" he frowned while Alice nodded

Bo came back out after a minute and said how he'll meet us back up at the station in about 30 minutes and walked back in. "Your fanbase is growing. " Wade grumbled to Carly.

I then grabbed Alice's hand as we headed to the house of wax. We went in and I sat a flower bracelet next to Vincents sculpture's before sitting outside.

The girls and Wade kept exploring he house of wax before wade walked out a d looked around while Carly and Alice ran out, panicking. Carly kept saying how she saw a freaky looking man walking around outside the window. Alice said how she was freaking out because Carly was freaking out.

" Carly, the man was probably the Vincent guy. You know, the artist?"

" But he was so freaky looking!" She grumbled

" Whoever you saw probably wasn't that scary looking, you probably thought of him as someone scary looking because you were scared. " I reasoned " whoever scared Carly!if I'm right and you're Vincent! you can have the flower bracelet I sat next to his tiny sculpture's and paintings!" I called before getting up

We ended up walking to the gas station again but I sat on the stairs. Carly, Alice, and Wade all barged in. Bo walked. " Where's your friends?" He asked

" They're inside because they have no patience or respect." I sighed " also wade and Carly aren't my friends if I'm being honest. Alice is my friend" I smiled " I'm Tabitha by the way. . . Would you like a flower bracelet" I smiled and handed him the last one.

He smiled and put it on " why thank you" he smiled " why are you with them if you aren't friends?" He asked

" We ran into each other and my friends and I were in need of help so we split up. We met wade and Carly along with some of their friends" I explained and Bo nodded along.

"Oh, if you want to scare them then please do. Wade and Carly have only been disrespectful this entire time and Alice can't keep her mouth closed " I giggled and he patted my head with a smirk before walking in.

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