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I woke up with a jolt. It was the regular coraline world. My lower lips were throbbing harshly though. I stood up and only took one step before falling. I looked down and reluctantly lifted the gown. My thighs were covered in hickeys and bruises and there was a white substance on my thighs and coming out of my heat. I got fucked by the beldam.


I crawled into the bathroom and washed myself before crawling out and putting some sweatpants on and a T-shirt. I then went back to sleep. 'I'm not going back there' I thought


I walked over to Emma's room as soon as I gained enough strength. I walked in just as coraline ran in, she looked surprised "Tabitha!! Mr. Bobinsky just said that his mice said not to go through the tiny door! "

"Then let's not go through the tiny door. " I smiled

she frowned "but it was amazing there! " she whined

"Then you can go but I'm not. " I felt a sudden shiver down my back so I turned and Saw my carbon copy doll.

It was next to the door. I grabbed it by it's neck and lit the fireplace before throwing it in with a smile. "Why would you burn it? " coraline frowned

"Well since you haven't noticed, I'll say it. They've been moving but they are stuffed. " I hinted and she paused before nodding

"I'm still keeping mine. " I groaned at her words and nodded before entering Emma's room, Coraline left as I did.

Emma was awake and on her phone. I flopped onto her bed. "The beldam fucked me"

"What!?!" Emma Sputered

"The beldam is male in this world and he has the other father as a woman. I went with coraline so I could try to convince her not to go again only for her to want to go still. "

"Okay, but what's this about him fucking you? "

"He was walking me to my room while the other mother (?) was walking coraline to her room. I don't remember much but as I was falling asleep he lifted my nightgown. Then when I woke up in this world, I was covered in hickeys and bruises waist down and filled with cum. " I grumbled

"Honey that's rape. You didn't get a choice"

"But I'm not mad, I don't really feel anything towards it but if I find out that he does something like that to coraline then I'm setting his home on fire and I will slowly cut the string in his buttons off slowly. " I smiled happily before smirking and Emma shivered

"Where's your mini me? " I asked

"I-its in my top drawer. You scare me" she adds

"Don't worry, we're friends, I'm just as protective of you if not more " I smiled before getting the doll.

"Hey Mr beldam! I just want to make myself clear that if you ever touch coraline even remotely close to how you touched me, I'm going to burn your world down, drag you into our world and I'm going to slowly cut the strings in your button eyes but shoving tiny needles in your face and I would continue but I'm scaring my friend currently. " I giggled darkly setting down the doll and sitting on it.

"What are you doing? " she asked

"Do you want me to set the doll on fire or cut its buttons off? You could also keep it" I smiled

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