ch 6

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"That's so nice" I smiled "oh um, have you seen your strengths and weaknesses? " I asked

"What? " he asked confused

I sighed before punching his chest and the list popped up.


s͜͡t͜͡r͜͡e͜͡n͜͡g͜͡t͜͡h͜͡s͜͡ W͜͡e͜͡a͜͡k͜͡n͜͡e͜͡s͜͡s͜͡e͜͡s͜͡

1. Strength 1. Mortal
2. Speed

3. Stamina

4. Hiding


"Bruh." I frowned "basically another Dr gravestone but more realistic" I frowned

"Another? " he asked

"Niomi has no weaknesses. "

"Holy shit " his eyes widened

"I know right! It's so cool" I smiled "I don't know what we're doing but I want to wait this movie out so no one else dies or deals with the crazy bullshit but if we stay in the house then we get trapped either way. " I sighed and he looked like he got an idea.

"So. . . Wybies grandma gave me a whole apartment with four bedrooms. It's next to her house and she said I could invite whoever I want over, no matter how many people and forever how long I want" he smirked

"Thank god, everyone can hopefully be alright." I smiled


So we moved in and I got to hang the four art pieces I made, on the walls. We just needed to wait a day now and then we would be free. At least from this movie.

"Guys. . . What movie did Alice choose? " I asked

"Oh shit" Ethan muttered

"Oh god" Ella groaned

"She chose to watch twilight but in the middle she went back to your movie and then the tv glitched out. " Niomi/ Emma explained

"But I have a few questions now. " Ella frowned

Niomi/ Emma groaned in annoyance before Ella continued "well, think of it this way. After each movie, we go to a new universe right? So if we finish all the movies do we go to the real world or do we just disappear? What if we have to finish the entire twilight series because if you think of it, it's the only movie with a series that we started to watch? "

"Oh fuck" I muttered

With that, we went to bed with more questions than answers and were panicked. We decided to all sleep together.


I woke up with a jolt as Niomi/ Emma jumped onto the bed with teary eyes. "She's gone! "

"What? Who? " Ethan asked sleepily

"Obviously Ella, where did she go? " I asked

"She's gone! As in she died! " she yelled and it woke Ethan and I completely

"What? "

"She's dead! She went to the other mothers universe or whatever and I followed to make sure she was okay only for the beldam to stab her with their claws when coraline pulled her bag" she sobbed " she distracted the beldam by shaking the web and then she couldn't run or climb fast enough. "

I teared up but didn't cry. I didn't want to cry but I was more furious than sad. "Why the fuck did she go when coraline would be perfectly fine? " I asked in a eerily calm voice

"I don't know, her weakness was her curiosity so maybe she wanted to see how she could change it. " she sniffled and I got up.

I walked into the kitchen to see that there was a beer bottle so I grabbed it and opened it before ripping the end of my shirt and stuffing it into the drink.

"Oh hell nah! I've seen enough video games to know you are making a Molotov cocktail! " Ethan yelled

"Yeah, and I'm throwing it down that fucking well. " I smiled before walking outside with the others just to see coraline and wybie standing over the well.

I motioned to Ethan and he handed me a lighter. "Wybie, coraline. The well also leads to the other world so I advise you walk away. " I smiled before lighting the 'fuse' and chucking it into the well

Wybie and coraline looked confused but we all started running until we heard a loud explosion from the well. "Why!? " wybie and coraline yelled in shock before Niomi/ Emma, Ethan/Erwin and I faded away and into the sky.


I woke up in a hospital bed with Ethan/Erwin in a bed to my left and Niomi/ Emma to my right. Ethan/ Erwin woke up a minute before Niomi/ Emma did. When we were all awake, I made it clear that I wasn't downloading the app and that I didn't want any part in it.

The others agreed and I sighed in relief before realizing something "wait, but the app wasn't killing people, it just told you when you would die. Imma Download it." I smiled before grabbing my phone and clicking on the app as a joke, not actually planning to download it only for my phone to get snatched by Niomi/ Emma.

" You dumb bitch! " She grumbled and looked at the time before inhaling sharply.

" I wasn't going to actually download it but why did you gasp?" I asked

She just shook her head and and handed me he phone before pulling her own out. I looked at it before gasping myself. She downloaded the app, when she took my phone, she hit the download button.

I turned my head to her slowly " thank you" I smiled and she shivered

" That was a menacing thank you" she frowned

" Sorry, I didn't mean for it to seem menacing, I just didn't want to download it yet. The movie opens with someone dying soon after right? I actually can't remember, but I wanted to at least wait till we got our bearings here. "

" Hey, it's all good." Ethan/Erwin hit his chest and I laughed slightly, glad it didn't bring up his menu again

"How do you three feel? I found you three unconscious Infront of our hospital." The main female character smiled

Everyone agreed that we all felt okay and she looked at me for an extra long minute. " Can I move you to a different room? I want to do a few tests, your clothes were pretty ripped when we found you, well all of three of you had burned and ripped clothes but yours were the worst." She frowned and I looked my friends before nodding.


1032 words

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