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I woke up with a jolt as coraline jumped on my bed. "You won't believe what wybie found in his grandma's old trunk. " she said

"Who's wybie and what did he find? " I asked already knowing the answer. I sat up.

"He's a really weird kid, anyway he found a doll that looked exactly like me! And he found a few others that looked like you, Emma and Ella. " she explained "he said that he didn't know why but he gave them to me anyway. "

I was not expecting that "can I see my doll? " I asked and she handed it to me, the doll looked exactly like me, it even had a cute sundress on it.

"We should show the others! They might want to keep theirs as well. " I smiled and she jumped off the bed and walked to their rooms I

I looked at the doll and held it like a baby before following ' I don't think I'm going to be watched through the doll considering its main target is coraline. I also could freak the beldam out by playing with myself in front of the doll. . . I would love to know how she would react to me doing that. I think it would be funny. ' I smiled softly before kissing the dolls head


I sat the doll onto a chair next to my bed before closing and locking my door. I then changed into a sexy little nightgown. I removed my panties and laid on the bed. I thought for a second. 'Fuck it. '

I started sucking my fingers for a hot second before tucking a blanket under my door to mute my volume. I continued to suck my fingers before getting onto the bed and lifting my nightgown a little so my lower half was visible.

I then slowly rubbed my lower lips with my wet fingers before sitting up and spitting on my heat. I then slapped my clothes and let out a small house before spreading my spit and rubbing my clit. I then began to speed up before shoving my fingers into my heat. My breath hitched as my eyes watered, I started rubbing my clit with my thumb as I fucked my pussy with my fingers. I squirmed as I felt myself getting closer to my release. I started sucking three fingers on my other hand to help me stay quite. I started drooling a little and started to applied more pressure on my clit before cumming. I stopped and grabbed my phone, clicking on a certain site.

I removed my nightgown and was about to continue when there was a knock on my door, I immediately put the nightgown back on and stood on somewhat weak legs, not shaky but almost, I was more sensitive then unusual. I quickly unlocked and opened my door to see coraline with an excited expression.

"There is a tiny door in the living room! It leads somewhere and I was wondering if you would want to go with me! " she smiled excitedly

"sure! Should we get the others? " I asked as if I didn't just cum not that long ago

"I tried but they're dead asleep" she frowned

"Okay I'll go with you just give me a second. " I smiled 'I'm going to regret this probably. '

She started running down the stairs so I quickly put some underwear on before following her. I reached her quickly and she opened the small door and I shivered. It had a blue and purple gradient but it went down to another door like a slinkey. Coraline went through first and I followed right after.

I crawled quickly so I got out right after her. The house was like a carbon copy but it had a smiling boy painting and he didn't drop his ice cream.

"Are you seeing this Tabitha? " she asked before sniffing "something smells good" she smiles

We walked towards the kitchen and I had a hand on her shoulder. I could here a humming voice but it didn't sound anything like Coraline's mother, it was much deeper and it sent a shiver down my spine but not a bad one.

We walked in and I froze. There was a really tall man, he wasn't facing us but he had a white turtleneck on and a black pair of dress pants. He had on dark brown house slippers. The man had a really nice looking body.

"Hello? What are you doing here in the middle of the night!? " coraline called

The man turned around and looked like the male version of Coraline's mom "You're just in time for supper dears. "

"Who are you and why do you have b-b-bu"

"B-b-buttons? I'm your other father silly. Like your other other mother but male. Now go get your other mother and tell her that supper is ready. " he smiles "well go on. She's in her study. "

I left with coraline and kinda zoned out on account of me not wanting to be here. I had my body on autopilot. The other father or other mother, looked like Coraline's dad except female. Her hair was down to her back and curly and she was in leggings and the red robe like in the movie.

She sang Coraline's song and I ignored it until we walked back to the kitchen, I sat down next to Coraline at the massive table. Everyone grabbed food except for me and the Beldam.

"Is something wrong, Tabitha? " he asked

"No, I'm just tired, is anything wrong? You aren't eating either. "

"Oh don't worry, I'm just tired as well. " his smile seemed to soften slightly but he stared at me this whole night and hasn't seemed disgusted at all.

Coraline and I got up and were about to go to bed. "How about the you take coraline to bed? " the other father asked the other mother or whatever.

The other Mather (mother/father) took coraline to bed while the beldam stood with me. "Follow me dear, I'll be taking you to your bed" he smiled and put his hand on my lower back.

We walked into the copy of my bedroom, it looked the same except it had red sheets and there were a few candles lit on the night stands. There was also a vase filled with roses in the corner. "Wow" I whispered and became more conscious of his hand.

The beldam slowly moved his hand up my back and to my shoulder. He started to tease the strap of my nightgown and I froze. He chuckled before picking me up and laying me on to the bed. The beldam kissed my cheek before whispering "good night, I'll see you soon"

My eyes started drooping and I was falling asleep but I didn't miss how he started to lift my nightgown to my hips.


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