Ch.69 hehe

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A week passed since our dear Protagonist's awakening with next to no memory.

In the following week, Natasha constantly tried to take a sample of his blood. But to her concerns and frustration, his skin proved to be too hard for the needles she wanted to use.

Also, during the whole time. Everyone who met him simply referred to him as 'Nameless', since everyone whom he met did try to inquiry his name but were met with his own lack of information about it.

Thankfully, his language skills leapt through as he is now at least. Capable of speaking fluently with others.



Nameless calmly was walking with boxes of what appeared to be medicine as he walked into the clinic which Natasha was taking care of, as he placed it down by entrance. "I'll be late!" He said and calmly walked out as "Just don't freeze over there." Natasha calmly spoke as she opened the box and both of them snickered...

Thorough this time, Natasha's and his relationship was akin to a family. He was her younger brother and she seemed to care for him as he was showcasing from time to time as his powers bloomed strangely.


Few minutes later. Our Nameless hero was already outside, taking in the sight of white desert. As cold bombarded his body, but he felt comfortable and calmly started walking over to form of a bigger snowy plain. 'Here should be fine, right?" He half muttered to himself and laid down in the snow.

"Hopefully It'll activate again." He muttered this time and closed his eyes, as he entered a calm meditative state... trying to reach in to 'that' strange power he used to heal Seele with.

As he calmly laid in the snow... he could slowly slip into his unconscious. Falling asleep, yet not completely.

After few minutes he opened his eyes, but he didn't recognise where he was now.

A black endless space, with only sound of a beating heart heard all around. "H-Hello?" Asking loudly. He turned around trying to find anything.

He could hear a noise. As if a mass of water was constantly falling down, or clashing against itself.

Slowly. He finally approached something... it was a strange orb of sorts.

Strange, yes. It was a good way to put it.

A giant orb, with clear white-silver water flowing on one side, and with murky black-purple water on second side. It was clashing against eachother, at one time calmly, at other vigorously.

Taking a step towards it, it stopped. As if sensing him.

Curiously, he extended his right arm to it. As it spreaded. Revealing something even stranger. It was... something.

"Maybe you will help me?"

He stepped forward and placed his arm at the strange thing. As its form was revealed to be a mix of those colours from before, with many additional ones.


Outside. Both Demonic and Goddess markings unique to him, spread across his face. Not in normal manner mind you, but in thicker and more flowy style.

And as he opened his eyes, the sclera were black as the darkest night, while his iris were still the intense purple mixed with slivers of silver on the inner part.

The space all around him started howling as he stood up. It was as if in pain it released howls and from right under his feet, some form of space invaded around, with incomprehensible beings coming out. Amalgamations of beauty and vice. Of kind and anger, wrath and grace. Gore and completeness.

At that moment too, was he suddenly hugged from behind. But seeing nothing, he got kinda crept out. "... w..."

Hearing it. He made sure to focus as he could feel some strange hotness spread from his body, as information flowed. His head in pain, as he was shown a memory.

Memory of himself. Using this power to... Warp.

Warp the very essence of reality. With also but a single name being mentioned. By many, by himself. The only name he could heard from the dialogues and pretty much the only word.

"William... is... that my name?" He pondered loudly as he lightly moved tips of his fingers forward. As small part of the snowy landscape change completely into the underground he was living in.

It was as if their places were exchanged, connected. He closed his eyes and breathed out as he slowly 'disconnected' from it. Not completely, as he still kept the 'light' channeled into his body. With intention of using a single with which caught his attention.

"<Cruel Sun>" 

He spoke and held out his hand. As a miniature sun formed in his palm, showing its captivating holy beauty.

As he held it. The warmth radiating from it was very beautiful, he liked it.

If someone would stand as close as him to the miniature sun, their clothing, armor , skin and anything else they had would start melting. Meanwhile unknown to him, his Dragon nature basked in the warmth of the flames.

He calmly let it go, as it hovered over to above his head. And he laid down again, against the snow which was starting to melt.

And as his eyelids became heavier, so did his scales came out to bask in the glory of the sun.




By a snowy ruined town place where only few houses laid.

Two women and a man followed an armored blonde man and his soldiers, as they felt something- Wrong.

"Stop here. Something isn't right."

Gepard spoke as they felt immense heat coming from front and in front of them the snow was somewhat melted. Ready to soon create an unstable foothold once the heat disappears completely.

One of the soldiers chose to slowly peek out as the heat was actually slowly dispersing, and what the the soldier found was a young man whose body was releasing heat and steam.

Others soon walked over.

Finding him sat in a lotus position with his hands on his knees and breathing calmly with closed eyes. As his every exhale released hot vapor in abundant amounts as they noticed that he was actually sitting in a melted in hole few centimeters in.

Gepard and his guards looked a tad too surprised, as same goes for the three trailblazers.

His scales from before falling asleep were gone, as he simply meditated. Soon, his eyelids quivered as he opened them and released a last huff of hot air out of his mouth as he instantly jumped up and stood up as he started stretching.

He finally turned to everyone staring at him.


An awkward greeting made between everyone as they looked a bit down at the blonde man in the hole.



Just a short one, since I'm prepping some things. hehe~

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