Ch.14 [ First monster, then a Hero? 2 ]

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*Ozpin's Pov* Remnant

William Schweinorg, a child capable of using Mana, I wonder, was he born with it?
Or did Twins bless him?
He was capable of recreating Maidens magic just from half in Amber.

Me: Glynda, Qrow, what do you think about a spy in our circle?
Qrow: Before, I didn't think about it, but now? It makes a lot of sense.
Glynda: Also, Grimm activity was lately spiking up, but there's no change in their amount around Vale.
Me: Old Grimm at Mountain Glenn, its probably their waking period, observe it, don't engage.
Qrow: Also, any news on Maidens, or Relics?

Me: James said they found Winter Maiden, an old lady, Winter Schnee is supposed to be next Maiden.
Qrow: That's a very, very good and bad choice.
Glynda: You two hate each other, just keep it down during the festival.

Me: Also, what's the status on each first year team?
Glynda: CRDL, at home.
JNPR, chose to stay at Dorms
RWBY, Blake and Weiss chose to stay at Dorms, while Yang and Ruby chose to visit their home.

Qrow: Ruby is training with Yang and Tai, she understood thanks to Will, that she's easy target without her Scythe.
Tai is also furious.

Me: Why?

Qrow: He lost the DNA test.
Glynda: It's good that Original and few copies are still around, hidden from him.
Qrow: Yeah, also Ruby and Yang are constantly talking about Will.
Glynda: I'm not even surprised.
Qrow: Ruby has a crush on Will.
Me/Glynda: What?
Qrow: Did I stutter?
Me: No.

*William's Pov* Shields World

It's morning! Sys, what's the status?

I dunno,

Luna's status.

Oh, sorry.
Age 12
Class None
Race : Monster Bunny Humanoid
Body Enhancement, Ice Magic,

Hey, can you show me my status of this world?

Uhh, I can try?

William Schweinorg
Age 18
Class ???
Race ???
Mana, ???

What's up with all question marks?

Oh, I think its because those specific things aren't in this world, or the world doesn't have enough info to classify it.
Class would be a Huntsman
Race: HumanFaunus and Ruler(Monarch)
Death, Life, Shadows, Lightning, and Psychological Attacks.

Might be more, but that's all I can think about.

Thanks Sys.

I look around, and spot Luna at top of my chest, with deep blue hair, with few red tips.
Is it effect of me?

Yeah, raised monsters inherit something from their masters.
Filo has Naofumi's happiness,
In a spin-off Sakura who replaced Filo, inherited his ruthless behaviour.

But for Luna, it will be a Physical Trait, seems like you really value Mom's Traits.

Will it be only physical?

Might be psychological trait too, either one common or rarely used one.
Ex. Pride.

Hopefully not pride but I wouldn't mind if she inherited something cute.

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