Ch.51 [ Zone n' bad rolls ]

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As I was walking through a tunnel in a... questionable state. I could her some form of growling... Probably a dog, bear, or other shit.


'Yep, That's the exit.' I responded calmly to Dem, as the growling became stronger... and as we both walk out there's a giant asshole on two massive legs with two little hands. Also, did I forget about third leg which is incomplete and coming out of his ass? No?

* Kyu... *

Yeah... I agree, it's ugly. And sleeping. Quickly channeling Chaos through, it suddenly becomes a mangled corpse, releasing little shrieks of pain.

We both proceed to continue walking, and miss by a metal plate which was saying something about getting shot? Not like we care.

'*Stalker! Turn around or we will open fire! This is military territory!*' Loud voice came from some sort of amplifier, probably a megaphone. I simply give them a middle finger and continue.

*Pew* *Bang*

They started barraging me with hail of bullets from a... minigun? Yeah, some cheap minigun.

Lightly extending my arm, I use <Ruler's Authority> to create a literal forcefield. And continue trodding between leaves, shells, bodies and rotten wooden logs.

*Kyu... Kyu, kyu. Kyu!* Dem started nagging at me for seemingly "Not fighting back". Which I think is kinda stupid. 'Of course I'm going to fight back, just thought for some info... buuut... Your choice.' I simply answered, as a silver flame started rotating in my palm.

I could hear some gasps from the Military dudes, as I finally stepped on some harder foothold.

The shooting stopped, as the flame rotates faster. I channeled Demon Clan's magic into it, as a blackish-purple flame appeared inside it. Adding Houkai I started mixing it into one, single coloured flame. 

*kyu kyu*

' Yes, I could just reflect the bullets. But, I think this will be a better message. '

*Kyu, Kyu kyu.*

She only stared at me. ' Yeah, so? You said about fighting back. And I don't care what asshole it is. I'll do something excessive, as always... just like last time. ' As I answered her, few Military guys walked out with their guns pointed at my head. As I extinguished the flame, and simply used <Gravity> from Kasane's card. As the man started grabbing their heads, as they burst one-by-one.

'Kill them. I'd love to play with some guns.' I commanded my soldiers- *zap*

I instantly turned around as I felt some... another Shadow? It's not mine?

'Want us to investigate it? Liége?' Bellion knelt in front of me with his hand already on the whip-sword. With Igris next to him.

' No... Seems like someone here was using the shard, I can tell they couldn't absorb it. It feels exactly same as with that dude in DxD. ' I calmly responded to them, as screams inside the camp were heard. With whatever little army I had.


My voice amplified with mana spread around. As I felt multiple new connections... as it reached thorough this very area... 'I wonder... if any shadow has interesting information...'

Seeking through the new shadows memories. I only pick up... military... few stashes... factions? Hmm... There's a village nearby, with some neutral dudes called Stalkers. or Loners.

There's few more... Bandits, Duty, Freedom, Clear Sky...? It's those dudes I met? And they are simply researchers just like... Scientits, figures. There's Mercenaries, Monolith, Sin... and maybe few more... 

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