Part 1

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SaiRat  short story   The Perfectionist

Part 1

Kamal Joshi, Dcp Maharashtra Police posted at Gadhchiroli, was getting ready in his room. He wore his uniform and looked in the mirror for the third time to check if everything was ok. He didn't like any imperfection in his uniform. For him, his uniform was his pride. He was devoted to his duty and to his department. 

He was one of the most reputed officers of Maharashtra police. Everyone respected him in the city but sadly the person in whose eyes he wanted to see that pride, disliked his profession and never wanted him to continue his services. His late wife Alka always used to say that Kamal's duty is her 'sautan'. He always gives more time to his duty than to his wife. When she was diagnosed with cancer Kamal was shattered and had taken up desk job at the head quarters so that he could spend most of his time with her. He tried everything in his capability but could not save her. She left him and their daughter Sai in his care. Kamal sighed and looked at the family photos hung on the wall and went down the memory lane.

After Alka's death Kamal Joshi has realized the importance of relations also and had been a father first and officer later. Though he had taken up field job again but he made it sure to give all the love and care to his daughter so that she doesn't feel absence of her mother. Kamal had called Usha whom he considered like his sister, from the village and placed Sai under her care. Usha maushi, as Sai used to call her,  had taken care of his daughter like her own daughter. Together with Usha, Kamal has raised Sai into confident and strong young girl. Sai got beauty from her mother and attitude from her father. She was papa's princess. For her, Kamal was his hero until her prince charming walked into her life and swept her off her feet.

Sai was quite young when she met Virat Chavan. He was an IPS officer who was posted as trainee under her father. The boy had an impressive family history. His grandparents from both sides were from wealthy background while his father was an army officer and mother was a housewife. Though his parents  and elders of his family had died in an accident when he was in college but he didn't let that come in between his dream of becoming an IPS. 

Kamal Joshi liked that boy so much as he could see the glimpse of himself in him...same dedication towards duty and department...same love for discipline...same passion for solving cases and getting culprit behind the bars. 

Virat kept coming to Kamal's house and there he met Sai. He was mesmerized by her beauty and confident attitude while Sai was floored by his personality and the fact he was a lot like her father. They started dating and in just three months they had decided that they foresee a future together. They had asked for Kamal's blessings.

Kamal was aware of the growing closeness between the two and also tried to make them understand individually that they should not indulge in this relationship as he knew both of them too well. Virat may be a passionate lover but he was an officer first and Sai was lot like her mother, she didn't like her dad's busy schedule how she will adjust with Virat, who eventually will become even a senior officer than her father which will mean even more busy schedule.... but they say....when love is in the air who listens to anyone except one's heart.

"You two are so young for marriage. Virat is only 26 while Sai, you are only 23. You didn't even complete your education. wanted to become a teacher right?" Kamal had questioned. 

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