Chapter 1: Jules

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Bright, balmy, somewhat of a tropical weather you could say, perfect for taking photos of your gorgeous facial features being sun-kissed. That is what Thursday felt like here in California, perhaps not every Thursday but this one for sure. One of the least gloomy days we'd had all year and it would be wrong to say it didn't make you feel delighted.

This. This was all I could think of as I walked towards the cafe to meet my best friend, James Otterton. James had been my ride or die since we'd met at a carnival a few years ago. Long story short, he had assisted me in convincing the guard I didn't just scam the employees with my 'torn' wristband which was totally in perfect condition. Afterwards, James patiently listened to my rant on how senseless and useless that guard was. That's when we swapped numbers and started the journey of our completely platonic relationship.

As soon as the door to the cafe swung open thanks to the gentleman who entered before me, the pleasant aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans filled the surrounding air and as if those beans were working the buttons that controlled my emotions, a smile appeared under my nose right as I inhaled the first whiff of that heavenly smell.

The smile grew right as I spotted James sitting at one of the booths tucked in the corner of the cafe, studying the cover of a novel that I recommended ages ago and finally convinced him to read very recently. He barely noticed my presence until I set down my bag on the seat opposite to my best friend and gave him the most welcoming and cheerful greeting I could. Of course, he greeted me back but this time something felt different, oddly different but I couldn't quite pinpoint it without further investigation. Therefore, being the very straightforward person I am with everyone, I simply asked.

"Okay...I know you hate his question but is everything okay?"
"That's a bit random don't you think? Everything is fine, why?"
"It's not random, well not really. You just seem a bit jittery and off today. Are you sure you didn't already have three cups of coffee before I came?" I questioned before I sat down.
"Ha-ha very funny. To answer your question, I'm completely fine and I just got here like 10 minutes ago"
"10 minutes is enough for you to drink at least two cups."
"For the last time, I'm not the one who drinks fast, you just drink like you're competing with a sloth on who can go slower"
"I'm amused." I would like to say my attempt at looking unfazed by his humor was perfect. Even if in my mind I was cracking up but nobody could prove anything.
"Clearly, but it's okay, if you want to laugh don't hold it in, I know I'm funny" he said with that smug look on his face after taking one glance towards me and reading my mind, knowing I would never let him think his jokes were actually funny. After all, this man's ego didn't need to be inflated more than it already was.

Once he finished what I assume wasn't supposed to seem like a giggle but a manly chuckle, he proceeded with his conversation that, according to the change in tone, seemed serious for once.
"Actually, there's something I had to talk about" the way he cleared his throat and fixed his posture immediately changed the atmosphere.
"Go on..."
"Well, it's a bit hard to say and I have no idea what your reaction would be but I promised myself I would get this off my chest today no matter what."
"I'm listening, continue." Even I was shocked at how I could become so serious so quickly
After what felt like an eternity of silence I spoke up to avoid building up the awkwardness that sat between us
"James you had something to say?"
"Actually...I'm not sure how to"
"Wait. Stop shut up"
The confused look on his face indicated I should explain further
"I've seen this before. I've seen it a lot. It always happens when a girl and boy are best friends. The boy confesses randomly and they start dating. Don't tell me that's what's happening here"
"Oh...actually, it kind of is"
Right as the sentence left his mouth you could see his shoulders tense up and the frown in his brows deepened.
They both sat in silence, staring at each other. One waiting for his day to either be made or ruined and the other trying to process what the individual in front just said.

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