Chapter 4: Oliver

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The elevator ride up felt like an eternity. Perhaps the longest ascent to the 6th floor ever, someone should report this to the landlord. Nonetheless, it would all be worth it when I got to meet my best friends, Jules at the top. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to go visit her at 11pm but did anything really matter these days?

The loud doorbell rang loudly in the quiet hallway, I thought I almost woke up Mrs. Papperman, the grumpy old lady who neighbored Jules. It's safe to say she wasn't too fond of me coming over so much and I didn't always look forward to seeing her wrinkly face every visit. Just as I heard a lock opening on my left side, the door in front of me swung open and I rushed in before the building's most crabby tenant stepped out with a chainsaw to extinguish anyone in her way (what I assume she does daily for fun before going to bed).

Jules, knowing of her concerning activities whenever someone rings a bell on her floor, quickly closed the door and locked it, just to be safe. Both of us have a sigh of relief before I smiled at her. Looking quite exasperated, she glared up at me before dragging herself to the couch. "What are you doing here at this hour? I knew I never should've told you where I lived when we became friends."
"Well too bad, cuz now you're stuck with me whether you like it or not"
"I choose not" she stated with the most neutral tone I've ever heard from her possess.

"Alright then, if you don't want m&m's and your favorite popcorn with a movie I'll leave"
"Wait" she sounded like a mafia commanding her minions to wait before torturing a hostage so she could go over and recite a cliche speech about why the hostage deserves it. Obviously, we weren't going to watch any movies involving mafias tonight, I had already watched too many.

"Yes?" I displayed the most innocent smile I could.
"Stay please" her smile replicated mine
"Me? Or the snacks?" I smirked as she came and took the bag of snacks from my hand before sitting back down
"Yeah sure you can stay too I guess I don't mind" even after trying her best to keep a straight face a grin made it's appearance on her lips. I sat down while she put the bag down and faced me, getting comfortable in her seat. I could sense she wanted to gossip just by her slumped posture.

Sounding excited, hesitant, confused and a little shocked, she explained the events of her day. Specifically, what happened between James and her at our local cafe. James was also my friend, and he had just confessed to my other friend that he likes her. I couldn't be mad, afterall he doesn't know that I also like Jules so it doesn't count as betrayal. Although it certainly felt like it. I knew this shouldn't be effecting me like it was, I have a girlfriend, who I started dating a couple weeks ago on my own initiative so I definitely shouldn't be mad. I also knew I shouldn't be dating someone I didn't love but I just couldn't break up with her, she always made it so hard.

Even if I break up with Florine, my girlfriend and confess my feelings to Jules, I couldn't. She would be dating my friend and revealing my feelings to her under those circumstances would just make it awkward. If she said no to James it wouldn't be fair to him that he gets rejected and I start dating her (obviously only if she says yes).

In conclusion, it was damn complicated.

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