Chapter 2.25

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It was a fairly quick call, by far the quickest Andrew has ever talked. It was a Christmas miracle...just without the Christmas. If only the task he gave was just as small as the call to assign it. Being a low level position graphic designer, I didn't always have to work long hours or overtime but I guess tonight would be different.

Marching down the street, I kept thinking about my latest project. Exactly what I was heading down to complete..on a Sunday because I needed to pay rent. Soon enough, all those thoughts went right out the window as James filled quickly occupied the empty space. It was complicated that's for sure and I know for sure that I don't want to ruin our friendship and be lovers instead, quoting the popular song of course.

I knew I needed to give him an answer, and soon but I just didn't know what to say. The sigh that left my mouth wasn't enough to express my exasperation right now. Eventually, I opened the big glass doors to the office building I dreaded seeing at this hour. Shockingly enough, or probably not, the place was packed with (rightfully so) pissed employees rushing around towards their cubicles. Assuming they all also wanted to run out as quickly as their big feet could go, I didn't waste time wandering around but instead headed to my own cubicle to get things done. It had only been 15 minutes and I was already stumped. No wonder why Andrew gave up and handed the project to me. "What an ass" was the only thing roaming around my head. My main guess was that it was because of the thoughts of a certain someone occupying my puny brain, therefore I tried turning it off more than it already was. 

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